Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Monday, I woke up with a headache, incredibly enough. I honestly can't remember the last time I had a headache, but I know it was years ago; it may even have been when I live lived in Jersey. Of course, ever the alarmist, I thought it was a brain tumor, but no, I took some pain medication and it went away. 

I had ordered and paid for a anagram puzzle book from Penny Dell Press on October 2, and it hadn't come yet.  I called, was told it was mailed on Wednesday, the fourth, but would arrive for 4 to 6 weeks!  Un. Friggin'. Believable. Responded in the positive to BCNN dinner on the 26th. It's at Orozco's in town, a pretty pricey one, but that's fine by me. Cleaned up the patio and put the new bird feed out. However, when I got home, I saw the little rascals had spread some around, but not off the tray and not nearly as much as they had with the cheap stuff. 

Took my cart and walked over the footbridge. While waiting for the 11 bus, I passed a young woman putting up posters on Telephone Road. I asked about it and we fell into conversation. She told me she's in a contest to be named the Face of Horror--some theatrical thing. Her name is Ashley Van Kalsbeek and I told her I'd vote for her, which I did (you can vote every day). I scanned the info and this is her on the page; 

From there, I proceeded to Grocery Outlook and the shop next door. I wanted to get the IPA Diane had brought me the other day; found it and was amazed it was only five bucks for a six pack. At Stone Fire Grille, it's five for just one can and some other restaurants charge even more. I almost made a horrible mistake and first picked up non-alcoholic beer--AAGH!  Why would anyone want to drink it? Found my error in time and exchanged it. 

Had to add this apartment building in Singapore. Mike said Vivian has been there, as one of her friends lives in the place. Wonderfully fanciful and creative or pure crap? I can't decide. 

Stopped on the way home at the Hill Street Library. I'm reading two non-fiction books and I just felt like something that didn't require me to think. Sat and read for a hour, then took out Under The Midnight Sun.  An international best seller, it was translated from the Japanese and came out seven years ago. I'm deep into its 554 pages and find it riveting.  

To top off a good day, Ellen called on her way home. Her and Greg company from Germany left Friday and we exalted over the fact that when they come next year (she's already invited them), she'll be retired, so able to hang out more--YAY! 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...