Wednesday, October 11, 2023


I spent an ridiculous amount on the phone with Bank of Annoying in the morning and the issue isn't resolved yet. Made an appointment with the audiologist for October 24th. Did a color wash and a few other mundane chores. Went to Von's to find they're--again--out of the Squirt grapefruit zero sugar soda I like. 

Had lunch, then did something unusual for me: I had a small glass of cream sherry while I played some games (Block Champ and Scramble) on the laptop. That made me sleepy, so I lay down and took a nap.

Up and at 'em by 3:30 and, late for me, I took my cart and bused to town. Took two books back to the library and got two out: A new bio of Jackie Kennedy, which concentrates on her early career as a camera person reporter and a Jonathan Kellerman. Stopped at Goodwill and got some decorative boxes I want to use for storing things in plain sight. 

Didn't get home until after 6:00 or have dinner (salmon and broccoli) until 7:00, late for me, but it was a pretty good day. 

The following picture showed up on Facebook and I find it haunting. It shows the Traymore Hotel in 1920 on a dark and troubled day. Portent of things to come?  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...