Monday, October 23, 2023


Crossword was good, as was the usual Sunday. Did my usual white wash with sheets, then showered and dressed. Left for the Hill Street Library at 11:00, so got there early for the noon program. While waiting, I started reading Joan Didion's book of essays, Let Me Tell You What I Mean. It's absorbing, as is all her writing was, and I took it out.

Connie did the program, dressed, of course, in a wonderful outfit--dress and hat--appropriate to the period, which was the nineteen teens and twenties. A fair number of people were there--well, about twenty and all enjoyed it. 

After, a woman who heads up the Ventura Library Book Sales announced that there will be a presentation at the main library by a the writer of a book on Ma Duncan, the woman who contracted to have her pregnant daughter-in-law murdered. This is a new book, but the woman was not aware of the one published twenty years ago, which I have:

I'll be interested in going to the presentation, as I attended one when I first moved to California. That was presented by local historian Richard Senate at the courthouse where the trial took place in the Ventura City Hall. Mrs. Duncan was executed in 1961, the last woman executed in California. 

After, Diane and I ate our lunches at our usual place and sat and talked, as ever. Stopped at Von's on the way home and didn't get in until 4:30. I then saw that Suzanne's and my upstairs neighbor, Mike, had left us tomatoes, avocados, and a papaya each. I don't know his last name, so wrote a "thank you, Mike!" note and taped it to the stairs, which are outside. 

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