Friday, October 27, 2023


Went over to Great Clips at 10:30 and Maria cut my hair. After that, it was all boring financial and technical stuff until the BCNN dinner. I won't elaborate in detail, but my chores included: 

Citibank credit card and finally wrangling them out of a $99.00 rebate;

Prime Management, which handles my house in Jersey; they're merging with another company (can't imagine why, but I keep thinking the monthly maintenance fee will go up)*; 

Suzanne Hayden, an insurance rep, a friend of Lora's, who will come next week and fill me in on a new one I have to choose;

Diane: she and I will see Killers of the Flower Moon tomorrow;

Chase: will defer switching over the mortgage rise (escrow) until November;

SO-FI: stopped into the office to check up on what I owe--$2.79 cents will clear the books;

Changed the ink in my printer.

Then it was off to dinner with the BCNN group. This was at Orozco's near the waterfront and it was touted as a terrific and exotic place to eat. Hmm...the only thing I found exotic was the cost. I  had some tiny shrimp in a so-so garlic sauce, accompanied by a small mount of rice and a so-called "salad" that was blah, preceded by a fifteen-dollar Margarita. The tab? Fifty-two bucks and I've had better at fast food joints. 

However, we had a good time talking and laughing. I especially bonded with Pat W. and Dusty A. and we're going to get together one of these days. Here are Pat, who is an artist, and Dusty, president of BCNN (Beach Cities Neighbors and Newcomers), who had been in my acting group:

I was at the end and on my other side were my friend, Julie, who always picks me up for BCNN affairs, and Bridget, who is from Germany:

Gaming Note: I do Wordle, Connections, and Blossoms every day and what's really creepy is, I record my scores, successe, and failures every day. Why? I dunno, guess I've just gotten compulsive now that I'm in my dotage. BTW, I almost never miss Wordle, but only rarely get Connections. As for Blossoms, it's just how many words you can make with certain letters and consider I good if I score over 200. No pressure. I also like Block Champ and Hurdle on-line, plus, of course, the daily Jumble and crosswords, plus my book of Crypto-Families. 

* I won't complain when that happens. The very month we bought the house, the fee for maintaining the pool, lawns, and so on, was raised from ninety-nine dollars to a hundred and twenty.  Twenty-one years later, it's still a hundred and twenty.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...