Thursday, October 12, 2023


Kind of a fiasco day, with snafus and changes of plans. Early on, I decided I'd go to Santa Barbara to see. It's been months since I did and, although I didn't actually want to see her, I felt I should want to. This time, I took my cart. Walked to the bus stop, knowing I had to be at the transit center at 9:43 for the SB bus, sat down, and took out my phone to check the local bus arrival time. Reached in for my glasses--wait a minute, where're my glasses?--and found I didn't have them. I rushed home, thinking I'd get one of my dozens of pairs, then realized I hd missed the earlier bus and would have to wait for the next at 12:50 and I didn't want to go that late. I decided I'd go to Ojai, instead, take my lunch, eat at the park there, and see if Greg was working. 

Made and packed my lunch and, as I was walking past Vickie's, she came out to her car. She was passing the transit center, so dropped me off there and we had a pleasant conversation on the way. Got on the 16 bus and a few stops later, a man with a very large push-vehicle got on. There wasn't room for both of us in the reserved area at the front and he seemed needy, so I said I'd get off and take the next bus. Once I did so, I realized the next bus was the 6, which doesn't go to Ojai and the next one that did wouldn't be coming for an hour. 

Okay, another change of plans: I scratched Ojai and went to my across-from-the-mission lunch spot and ate there. Wandered around Main Street stores for a bit, but didn't buy anything and took the 6 home. I was a bit concerned because besides experiencing another visual migraine, I got another headache. I took a pain killer, then napped for an hour. Felt better when I got up. I'm chalking that up to tension or something--I've been somewhat concerned about various things lately.


iloveac said...

Here’s some unsolicited advice which you abhor. See your primary. There may be nothing major but make sure. Early intervention is the best. I see where you leave out words in your posts and I’ve chalked it up to the fact U may not proof your entries…and that’s fine…but if you are noticing any changes….and we all have them…get checked. BTW, do you check your B/P when U have a headache. We aren't 25 anymore and shouldn’t brush things off. I’m confident U are fine BUT don’t assume anything.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat, if it happens again, I'll definitely get checked out. As for leaving words out, that makes me more concerned than the headache. It's true I don't proofread as I should, but I'm going to get more conscientious about that, starting with today's entry.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...