Wednesday, November 01, 2023


Busy day: I often plan what I'll do in a day--tentatively and it's always subject to change if something better comes along. For yesterday, I wanted to get grapefruit, bird food, some goodies for the little Halloweeners,* a 2024 desk calendar, and a few other items. I planned to walk to Telephone, get the 11 to Office Max, walk from there to the shopping center for Target and Wild Birds Unlimited, then eat my packed lunch at the mall. I actually accomplished all that, but it took four hours, five buses, and roughly three miles of walking. I didn't get lunch until 3:00 or home until 5:00, but that was okay. 

I went back and forth with Verizon and now I'm vacillating as to whether I want to switch over from Yandoo or not. Seems to me there must be a catch to it, but I haven't yet found it. Called Ellen when I got home, but she was still at work and said she'd call me later.  Did so and we had a long talk. Had a annoying time with Quest Diagnostics in trying to set up an appointment for blood work.

My niece in Florida, Jeanne, and her husband, Dr. Vic, called me in response to my question about the ambulance person who intubated Diane when she had stopped breathing. We kind of went back and forth as to whether it was legit for a non-MD to do that if the existence of a DNR is or isn't known. There doesn't seem to be a definitive answer, but Jeanne is going to ask her sister, Nancy, an R.N. in a high-traffic hospital. We also enjoyed talking over some family affairs.

I started reading Flying High and am enjoying it. Joan mentioned that I had provided an anecdote she recorded, but didn't credit me for the several pages of pictures of my father's family. Must call her today and compliment her; so far, it's pretty absorbing. However, I haven't yet gotten to the narrative about when she and my brother-in-law meet. 

Looked into what used to be a laundry room (separate building) and saw it's now a doggy wash. The other side is a comfy tub and grooming area--nothing too good for our little fur babies! (In the contest for moranic cliches, that one is right up there with "thoughts and prayers.") 

Julie will pick me up at 9:00 for the BCNN meeting and lunch today; may meet Diane for lunch tomorrow; T.O.P.S. on Friday; the Fractured Actors play on Saturday; docent duty on Sunday; and Soaring Spirits lunch on Monday. Well, I don't like to sit around...

* But I didn't get a single Halloweener, although other years I have. Damn, not what am I going to do with these?

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...