Friday, November 24, 2023

Thursday And Thanksgiving

Ellen scrambled eggs for breakfast, then she and I went to the meadow preserve and took a long walk. Here are some pics from that very enjoyable jaunt:

The pictures really don't do justice to the lovely area, with plenty of west coast foliage, streams and creeks, and, in the distance, the foothills and mountains that define the terrain.

When we got home, Greg suggested we go to Java Joe's for latte or whatever, take our books, and relax on their patio. We did so--I got a vanilla cold brew, so yum!--and stayed for a good hour, reading. Went back to El's, then I took a nap with Gwennie, while Greg and Ellen prepared our Thanksgiving dinner. (After fifty-two years of being the chief cook and bottle washer, it's such a luxury to be served!)

How was the turkey dinner? Dunno, because that's not what we had--why be bound by the conventional, anyway? We had one of Greg's absolutely superb salmon dishes, this one with puttanesca (tomato based) sauce; along with it came his salad, plus Ellen's yams and roasted Brussels sprouts. I accompanied mine with a good German beer and dessert was--a nod to tradition--pumpkin pie and whipped cream.    

Before all that, Ellen put out a cheese, grape, and cracker appetizers to enjoy with our Margaritas:  

While we were chowing down some of that, Mike Facetimed us from Singapore (the day after Thanksgiving for him) and El and I had a hilarious time with him. A few days ago, I had received a large box from him for my birthday, clearly marked with pictures of a desk chair. Great--I desperately need a replacement, but I want an armless one, so it will fit under the desk. We spared back and forth, me trying to get an answer, Mike being hilariously evasive. Okay, I'm pretty sure it's armless, but guess I'll have to wait a month to find out.    

It was Thanksgiving Day in the year two thousand and twenty-three. Am I thankful for all I have? Absolutely and I want more of it. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...