Thursday, November 16, 2023

Wednesday With Not A Whole Hell Of A Lot

Talk about your slow day and that was just fine with  me. I've been going out a lot, and I love that, but once in awhile, it's good to just vegetate. The free days happened because I decided to skip the  BCNN Happy Hour yesterday. Would have greatly enjoyed the boat ride on Lake Casitas, scheduled for today, but it was cancelled.  It may have been because of the weather--it rained today, which throws the whole state into a tizzy (the sky is falling, the sky is falling!). Anyway, I hope it's rescheduled. 

So what did I do yesterday? Not much of any consequence, except for rearranging part of my closet to fit things in better--it's always a challenge with the limited space. Suzanne stopped over to give me a thank-you note for Sharon and Louis, re the shoes they donated to Catholic Charities. She stayed to chat for a bit, telling me her sister is coming on Monday and will stay for Thanksgiving. I said I'd have them over for Happy Hour one day; will invite Vickie, too.

I documented the intruder who's been sneaking on to my patio and stealing the bird food. I thought maybe the pretend kitty would deter him, but no--here, he's poised on top of the chair and, shortly after, brazenly came down and ate the rest of the seeds!

Aside from the above, I cut up and seasoned three apples, then zapped them in the microwave for a kind of cross between baked apples and applesauce. That was about the sum total of my chores for the day.

Got an invitation from The Townehouse for a holiday party and boutique on December ninth and immediately alerted my party pal, Diane, to put it on her calendar.  Aside from the slight activity mentioned, I did a lot of cryptograms, my current favorites when it comes to word games. Today? I think more of the same, although I have to go over to CVS to pick up my prescription. then, I may be tired of this stay-in/no activity gig... 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...