Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Monday And A Dog

This will be a quickie, because I started it last night when I was tired and anyway, some of it involves  dreary nothings, especially the damned annoying Municipal Authority problem. That seems almost resolved--yes, the payment came in, but in the meantime, I paid it online and now the reimbursement is unclear. Will call again this morning to get clarity. As for Verizon, that still hasn't gone away, I'll try for a solution again today. 

As for the dog: I walked  to Telephone Road then bussed to the Regency Theatre and actually got there more than an hour early. That was okay, as I went to WinCo and two other stores for this and that. Met up with Diane at noon and we had our lunches outside, then went into the theatre and met the dog: Priscilla. Did I enjoy it? About as much as I would hanging by my thumbs for three days. Diane and I thought it was glacially slow and monumentally boring, not to mention badly written and badly cast.  

Oh,well, it was an experience and the Access Van picked us up at 5:30, so I was home at 6:00.

Niece Carolyn is coming today and we'll go out for lunch, so I'm looking forward to that. But darn, I somehow left my favorite hat at the Regency. Discovered it missing when I got home, called, and yes, they found it. I'll ask Carolyn to drive me over there before we go to lunch--I'm thinking the Hill Street Cafe--to pick it up. 

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