Sunday, November 12, 2023


At her request via a 5:00 am email, I called Diane a few minutes after and we had a good talk re our various good and not-so-good experiences over the last few days. We also made a date to see Priscilla at the Regency tomorrow. As usual, we'll take our lunches and eat outside beforehand, see the show, then take the Access Van home. I'll bus or walk there, as I did when we saw Killers of the Flower Moon. It's three miles and I don't usually plan to walk, but it just depends.

Spend the morning on food prep. I quartered, seasoned, and onions and garlic to, my three pounds of tomatoes, popped it in the oven, and now I have a good amount of roasted tomatoes as a side dish. Cleaned and chopped the three pounds of sweet peppers, divided them, and stored them in the freezer for quick use. Cored and otherwise prepared two apples, which I'll bake later. Finished up hard-boiling three eggs. 

I figured I had done my chores, so I deserved to walk to Ralph's and eat in the little park nearby. Packed my lunch and walked there. Stopped into Four Seasons dry cleaning to find out when their seamstress is there--I must get my docent costume skirt shortened before the next time I'm there. Hmm, she's there only on Mondays from 3 to 5--I'll try taking them next week. 

It was nice in the park and a man was feeding the birds--lots of them by the fountain:

BTW, I'm not sure when--or if--I tackle this seriously, but here's the book Sharon gave me:

A final note: Happy day--I just got up at 4:45 and feel so perky and refreshed! Think I'll go to the farmers market at the college before Lora picks me up for Red at the other 4:45--PM, that is. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...