Saturday, November 11, 2023

Friday And Sharon's Shoes

Actually, the shoes of Louis; see the following. 

T.O.P.S.: Up a tad both at home (+.08 to 127.6) and the meeting: (+05 to 128.3). Meeting was pretty long, but reasonably interesting. Lennie brought pumpkin squares made with Splenda, which were okay. Lora gave us each two little tea light containers, plus tea lights, plus tiny pink pearly beads . The idea, she said, was to start off with all the beads in one container, then when we resisted temptation, we transferred into the other. We could also have the beads symbolize pounds lost or whatever else. Renegade that I am, I'm considering simply gluing the beds on the candles and lighting them up at night. I brought the book by my niece about my older sister and family.

I had mentioned to Sharon last week that Catholic Charities, where Suzanne volunteers, is in need of clothing, particularly shoes. Good grief, she came through and to a remarkable extent. She and Louis took me home so he could carry into my place this bonanza:

There are nine of them and they're in perfect condition; some seem hardly have been worn. They're men's shoes, so I guess belonged to Louis, and very large--probably 10s or so, at least. Anyway, Suzanne came over and marveled at them, stayed to chat, then hauled them away to her truck. She'll take them over to CC today.

Breakfast, then I took my cart and walked to The Market for tomatoes (three pounds), sweet peppers (three pounds), soy sauce, and paper towels, plus a few smaller items. Good thing I didn't get the cauliflower or I might not have made it home. Stopped at the bank to get some cash; I hardly ever use it for lunch or purchases, but like to have some on me. 

Damn, I'm experiencing some sleep problems again; this seems to be a periodic occurrence, every month or so. Woke up at two something for the usual, couldn't get back, but stayed in bed until I finally arose at 5:00. I want to increase my walking and quit napping to see if I can control this. At least I usually get back into a more restful 😉 cycle after a time.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...