Monday, November 20, 2023


The usual Sunday: wash sheets, remake bed, do crossword, and other do-si-do...

Took down a lot of Christmas decorations from the high cabinets, in order to weed out the ones I can live without and put them in my donation area. What a job! And why do I have so many? And why did I buy new ones? And why don't I want to part with more of them?  AAGH!

However, I shrugged all that off and prepared to go back to town. On Saturday, after Noreen, Gary, and I had lunch, I had stopped at the S.P.A.R.C. thrift store on my way to the bus. and saw a large container of what I thought was laundry detergent--only six bucks, what a bargain, and I snapped it up. Good thing I had my cart with me, as it was very heavy. Unfortunately, when I got it home, I saw it was laundry softener, which I can't use. I have the dryer balls, which do a good job, plus sometimes add a softener sheet. Anyway, I took it back and got a credit.

Ate my lunch at my place across from the mission on a beautiful, sunny day, temp about 70. Stopped at Von's on the way home for broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower.  Prepared the latter in my usual way, with mayo, parm, and garlic salt and popped it in the oven. That, with the lentil stew I had in the freezer (made a large batch to have it on hand) was a good meal. 

Sent these pics to Diane to see if she wanted them:


She said she did, so I won't add them to the donation pile. 
Dinner with Soaring Spirits tonight.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...