Wednesday, November 08, 2023


Dusted and mopped the hard floors, washed the area rugs, then did a color wash. (That takes just a few words to describe, but most of the morning to actually accomplish.) In the meantime, I accidently knocked this metal tree wall hanging off the wall. Took me an age to get it back up, as I had to replace the nail on one side:

Called Little Egg Harbor MUA and found it was closed for election day (what election?), so will get to them today.  

Made what I call (when I'm in a grandiose mood), my signature turkey stir-fry. I often vary what I add, depending what I happen to have, and this one included onions, peppers, garlic, and a few other vegetables. Later, had a big serving for dinner and it was so good.

Niece Carolyn texted that she was a little concerned about going to Red on Thursday. It doesn't start until 8:00, and she'd have to drive in the dark back to Santa Barbara. I understood completely and suggested the 5:00 show on Sunday. Talked to her later and asked if she wanted to bring her daughter, Claire, which she might. She said she'd call and let me know today. I also told her if she decided not to go, not to obsess over it. If she's still apprehensive, it's okay to just tell me she changed her mind. 

Sharon called to tell me she'll bring a lot of shoes to the T.O.P.S. meeting on Friday, then she and Louis will take me home. Say what? Shoes? Yes, Suzanne has been volunteering at the soup kitchen at Catholic Charities and they have a clothing place. I had mentioned that Sharon has an enormous number of shoes, and I'd ask if she had any to donate. 

Packed my lunch and walked over the footbridge to the Hill Street Library. There, I ate on the patio, while reading one of their books. I then bought two--yes, they have a little donated shelf--and walked home. Took an hour nap, which may be getting to be a habit. Not sure if I want it to be, but I can live with it for now, I guess.    

Lunch today with Susan Stratton., who had been in my BCNN acting class. Rosa Dominique was to come, too, but unfortunately, had a death in the family and won't be able.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...