Friday, May 06, 2022

From April, with a note from May

Actually, this is my entry from April 21, weeks ago. Finally, at long last, I'm back (I hope permanently) into my original blog. Entries from then until today can be found at the bog, "Here In California." 

Walked to the post office to mail a package to Jersey and when I came out, I ran into my former friend, Gail. When I say "former," I simply mean we fell out of touch with each other. She's the one I met on the bus to Santa Barbara and who lives with her ex-husband, whom she married and divorced three times. Anyway, she was on her bike and we chatted for ten minutes or so.  Her daughter had had a serious health problem, but recovered. I told her I'd give her a call and we'd meet for lunch. I will, but I'm also award that Gail is 1. the most negative person I've every met (even more than Jim, if that's possible) and 2. she treats me like some fragile old lady who's barely holding on the life.  Oh, well, I like to go to lunch, so will call her.

After we parted, I took the 6 to Telephone Road, then the 11 to Bed, Bath & Beyond. I had looked on their web site and saw they had the old-time glass juicer, so I wanted to get it and start juicing my beautiful lemons. They didn't have it, but of course, they had a three-times more expensive one for seventeen bucks, which I was not about to pay. Took another two buses home, mad at B, B & B for not having it and mad at myself for not calling first. However, I later found it on-line at Wal-Mart, ordered and paid for it on-line, and was assured I can pick it  up after 11:00 today. If that works out, I'll be amazed--and thrilled.

Ellen came about 2:00 and I was pleased that Greg came with her. We loaded up her car with my valuable (😄 ) donation items and El and I drove to Goodwill while Greg read and napped on my couch. Got my receipt tax purposed, then we stopped in the store to see if I could find a glass juicer there, but didn't and drove back. The three of us then sat and enjoyed a chat about aging and obsessing about it, among other cheery items. It was so good to be with both of them.

I had a big phone fight with Target on the phone and told them I'd never set foot in their store again. However, that was all histrionics, so I probably will, but their "Red Card" web site is the pits. 


1 comment:

iloveac said...

Welcome home.
I had problems with my red card a couple of years ago too.
So glad you are back here where you belong. Hope you can read this.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...