Tuesday, May 31, 2022


I had to eat breakfast whilst reading the Stephen King/other guy book That was so-o-o distressing; it's a given that you read the newspaper with breakfast, not...oh, never mind. 

Did some more on the Larry birthday verse, then puttered around until Ellen came about 11:30. We chatted a bit, then it was off to Wal-Mart. She got a lot of bulky stuff--paper towels and so on, but I'm already pretty well stocked. Got a number of other items, including Stevia, light bulbs, and Magic Eraser. Picked up some stock (cardboardy paper) to use for Larry's verse birthday card.

We went to Hill Street Cafe for lunch. Sat outside and it was so pleasant. El got a hamburger, I had chili and cornbread, plus a Modelo. We talked and talked--I'm always interested in hearing about the triumphs and tribulations with her third-graders.

Home and we visited together for another hour, then I walked her to her car. El gave me what she had worked up regarding my supposed rent shortage. I had already dealt with it, I hope, but I'll find this useful if management comes up anything more.  

Said goodbye, then turned my attention to finishing up the--well, the structure part of the card for brother Larry. This is the part I find tedious. I actually enjoy writing the verses (and Larry's was long--the longer they are, the more difficult to get them to both rhyme properly and scan intelligibly). When it comes to putting together the finished product, though, I tend to turn out stuff like a ten-year-old. Think I'll go to Michael's to get some embellishments. 

I was sure I'll have trouble sleeping since, again, I didn't get much exercise in. But no, I just got up at--happy day!--6:20 and I feel good and rested. 

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