Saturday, May 07, 2022

Back And Lovin' It!

Back in the swing! My older son, Patrick, in Tokyo, guided me to get back here to "Mimi's Musings" and I hope I never stray again.

As for yesterday: T.O.P.S. dragged on, thanks to Sharon's incessive need for attention: This time, she brought a picture of herself when she was about twenty and went on and on about her grandson, daughter, baby great-grandsons, and the price of tea in China (another old saw--I can't help myself!). We did have a new member, Beverly, who seems very nice. Julie picked me up and took me home, as Lora's visiting in Dallas. My weight: at home, down .06 to 127.8; at T.O.P.S, down .06 to 128.8.

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, after which I tried to find a solution to my Fire Stick problem on-line. No dice, so I bused to Target and talked to somebody in Electronics. She gave me some advice, but of course, by the time I got home, I could barely remember it and couldn't have following it, anyway.  Stopped at a Japanese place in the mall and had a quick mini-lunch of California rolls, then bought  some Mandarins. 

Called Ellen and she spent almost an hour walking me through possible solutions via Facetime. They didn't work, so I was going to call somebody to come in and remedy the situation (but see later--oh, happy day). The good news: I followed son Patrick's suggestions re this blog and--oh, yeah!--got back in, able to post here in "Mimi's Musings." Called cousin Sally to say my visit to her in San Diego is on. Must look up train times and so on. 

Over to Von's before dinner for crackers, yogurt, and beer; also picked up some hard cheese. Jim and I are going to the Dudley House covered dish on Wednesday and I'll just cut the cheese in chunks, insert toothpicks, maybe fancy them up a bit, and take them as appetizers.  

Later, El called on her way home and said she'd stop in to look at the TV program. She did, clicked and maneuvered around with all four remotes and--EUREKA!--she got it back! So good to see and so good to have a daughter with that kind of know-how. 

Called Jim to invite him to lunch today, so things are back on--no, I'm not going to write "on an even keel"--okay, things are now perkin' along the way I like them.

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...