Sunday, May 29, 2022


Just putzed around (not my mother's, but my late husband's expression) in the morning, pulling together lunch for Jim and me. I served an oven-roasted chicken and vegetables combo, with just pumpernickel bread and, of course, wine for Jim (thanks, Suzanne). Gave him strawberry sorbet for dessert.

When we talked on the phone the other day, Jim had lamented he didn't sound "natural" when he was acting (the last and, I think, only, time he ever performed was in my two "Acting for Amateurs" groups). With that in mind, I hauled out two copies of scripts for Hell on Wheels, in which he played the devil in the groups, plus The Potato Family, Tootie Looks at Real Estate, and Telephone, the first three comedies, the last a drama. After lunch, we sat on the couch and "did" the plays, he playing all the male roles, I the female. 

Jim is exceedingly inhibited, which shows, of course, in his acting, but he was able to relax a bit more during our session. Notably, of course, we were sitting comfortably on my couch and not on a stage. I was able to praise some of his progress and give him a few tips and pointers. We both enjoyed it and next time I have him over, I'll bring out more of my stuff and we'll do the same. He stayed until almost 5:00 (and he had gotten here early--unusual for him--at 12:15) and  I walked him out, as usual. 

Stella had texted me to be sure we were still on for the play in Santa Paula today and I suggested we have an early dinner after. She's on board with that, and will pick me up at 1:30.

Duane sent the pic of the group at his little dinner party in Encinitas two weeks ago:

Standing, l. to r.: Duane's daughter, Kendra, Sally's daughter, Teresa, Ani's father, Ray, and Duane.
Seated: Kendra's boyfriend, Connor, Duane's daughter, Jasmine, old lady with doggie, Sally, and Ani. In front, Mando, another canine I found was pretty okay.

Wonders will neve cease department: closeup of me with Ray's little dog, Buddy.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...