Monday, May 23, 2022

Sunday, Sorbet, And My Struggles

Sunday started out okay--crossword was enjoyable and I got all but two--and I finished the name rhyme for Sally. I want to send it to her as a thank-you note through regular U.S. mail. Went to print it out and found the cyan and black were out. Oh well, I decided to ask Jim to drive me to Office Depot to get more.

Jim came at his usual 12:30 and we had a good lunch. I served a Viola! meal--pasta with veggies, cheese, and sauce--and the strawberry sorbet I had made. It had been hard to get out of the container in the freezer, so I had left it out for a time to soften, then put it in individual bowls. It was very good. 

Jim was in a much better frame of mind, as he had finished preparing the curricula for his summer course and was working well on those for his two autumn ones. I asked him to take me to Office Depot after we ate--and that's where the disaster, horror, monstrous happening annoying incident took place. To cut it short, I bought a set of their brand of ink, asked if it was right for my copier, was told yes, got it home, tried to put in the cyan (that's blue, damn it!), it didn't fit and I got ink all over my fingers!   

I was fit to be tied (Mom's expression, of course). I ranted and raged, then called Ellen and she walked me through it. I finally realized that maybe the world would go on turning, so calmed down. Besides, she and I will spend Memorial Day together next Monday and that will be fine. She persuaded me to start ordering ink on-line, which I will after I take the other crapola back.

Suzanne stopped in after dinner and we chatted. Her nephew had visited (he's an attorney in exotic, far-off Iowa) and we had planned for me to meet him, but it didn't work out, so we'll do it next time, we decided. Suzanne mentioned she had seen our mutual friend, Vickie, last week, but not recently. I'll get in touch with her soon. 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...