Monday, May 09, 2022

Mothers' Day

The Access van got me to Ellen's about 11:30--a bit early, but that was okay--and I found Greg in the kitchen cooking up a storm. In another forty-five or so, we three then sat in the lovely side yard and enjoyed his meal. He opened with a wonderful spinach soup, mostly his own creation. I think Greg has a remarkable skill with herbs. He used several in the soup, including cilantro, ginger, garlic, and others, but as ever, the seasoning was very subtle--he never overdoes.  We then had cod, which he dressed with different herbs, capers, and lemon slices (from the tree outside). I hadn't had cod for years and this was just delicious. Here he is serving it up:


El cleaned up the kitchen after Greg had done his magic (his kitchen expertise doesn't seem to extend to that), then he left for work and I helped El change their bed.  We then enjoyed our Margaritas outside and I opened my presents. I got some neat things, including this from the little guy in Japan and his parents (names obscured):


But of course, my real presents are the people who sent them.
The Access Van picked me up about 4:30, but I didn't get home until six, as Lesly, the driver, had several other "guests," as she calls them to pick up and drop off. I never dreamed Ojai was as large--or as impressive and beautiful as it is. I enjoyed the ride up in the hills. 

Home and went over to Von's to pick up the free (because I'm such a good customer, I guess) frozen garlic. They were out of them, natch, so I got a rain check. 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...