Saturday, May 21, 2022


Damn, this is the first time in years I had to skip my daily post (yesterday). Reason?  Read on:

The Internet was off overnight--that is, Thursday to Friday! Anyway, long story short, it came back on late Friday morning, but mine didn't. Why? Because I had screwed up by somehow pushing a button that says "power on the router. I never knew it existed before, but after I was on the phone with the tech for forty-five minutes, unplugging this and re-plugging that, I was told another tech would call me. I then found the power button.

Thursday: Did a lot of wash, then walked to The Market and Wal-Mart for this and that. Saw Suzanne as I was leaving and we made a date for 5:00 for one of our little chat sessions (she with O'Doul's, me with real-deal beer). I went next door to her place and we chatted about my trip and so on. Went home and later, she rang my bell to ask if the Internet was off. It was, so I called that sorry excuse for a company, Yondoo Communications and the recording said there was a "potential" outage for our complex. ("Potential?" It was actual, not "potential"--damn, their recordings can't even speak English!) But I don't even want to record all the crapola--see above. 

I decided to go to the auditions at Fractured Actors today. I'll see if there's a part for me and/or ask to recite my "Heart's Desire" verse. If they ask, I have others: the somber "Cabin Fever" or the cutsy-poo Halloween one. 

Friday: Sharon called to tell me she wasn't going to the T.O.P.S.; still not feeling well.  Julie picked me up, as usual, at 8:30. Only Lennie and Bobbi were there besides us.  At home, I weighed in at 130.8, which means no gain, but it's a tad more than I like. At T.O.P.S, I was up .03 to 129.6. We decided to skip next week's meeting, as both Lennie and Julie will be away. Had breakfast late (10:00), as always on Fridays, then dealt with the Internet thing. Bused to Target after lunch to look for a mesh laundry container; theirs were all too small.

The oral surgeon office called to ask me to make my appointment on Wednesday 8:45 instead of 9:15. I called Julie to ask if she could pick me up then, and yes. 

I decided to go to the auditions at Fractured Actors today. I'll see if there's a part for me and/or ask to recite my "Heart's Desire" verse. If they ask, I have others: the somber "Cabin Fever" or the cutsy-poo Halloween one. 

Called Jim to tell him I was going there and could he come to lunch on Sunday? Sure, and we talked otherwise about various things and gender change--why not talk about gender change?

Home and I used Zelle to transfer some dough, then cousin Sally Facetimed me--accidentally. We had a good laugh over it, then chatted for a few minutes. 

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...