Thursday, May 26, 2022


 9:45 am on Wednesday:

It's over and I survived! I can hardly believe I was home in little more than an hour. What a relief!

As for logistics, Julie took me there and home. She then left for her "house in the desert" in--I think--Palmdale. We're not having a T.O.P.S. meeting tomorrow and that's fine by me; I'll get to have breakfast before 10:30.

But now it's 5:12 pm (Wednesday) and I'm somewhat uncomfortable with the aftermath of the extraction. It isn't agonizing, but the surgeon had to put in stitches and he said the roots were very long and deep. I had a gauze pack in most of the day and, as of now, I still see red blood, but not as much as before.

I took hydrocodone-acetamin at 11:00 and I could take one now, but it really doesn't seem to be very effective. I looked it up and it seems it isn't very strong. I wonder if I should take an OTC pain reliever instead. I'll go see what I have...

...hmm, just plain old aspirin. Maybe I'll take that before I go to bed (but I didn't need to). Speaking of which, I had trouble sleeping last night--nervous about the ordeal, I guess--and lay down after I got home this afternoon. I couldn't sleep, but rested for an hour or so. Aside from that, I spent most of my time playing "Jewel Match Royale" on this laptop.

I got hungry about 4:30 and just had some boiled vegetables--room temperature because I'm not supposed to put anything hot in my mouth for 24 hours. I then went to Von's and got a quart of frozen yogurt. That was all I ate as I watched a segment of "Who Shot JFK?" last night. 

Now it's 5:55 am and I feel much better. The spot where the tooth was is little sensitive, but not really painful. I'm having my good coffee (although technically, it hasn't been quite 24 hours) and hope to resume my normal life today.

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...