Thursday, May 19, 2022

Home Again, Home Again...

(For some reason, I can't get these pics under the text.) This is the quilt Sally and a friend made, which commemorates her athletics career--mostly running, but also the two Ironman contests in which she participated. What achievements and she didn't "retire" until she was seventy-three!

I got up, as usual, early--about 5:15--dressed, posted my blog entry, then took a brisk walk around the High Country complex. Sal got up and we had coffee; we skipped breakfast, knowing we were going to go to brunch before my train left.

Duane and Ani picked us up at 11:00. I was pleased to see that David, Sally's other son (and she has a third in Colorado, plus two more daughters) was in the car. He lives a distance away, but had been ill and Duane had picked him up, brought him to Encinitas, and installed him in one of the many bedrooms in his house.  David is limited mentally and was mostly silent through the meal, but we were able to draw him out a bit. 

We went to a restaurant near the station, but it was crowded and it took some time to be served. We finally were, but I was antsy (I get that way thinking I'll be late for something) and darling Duane took me to the station while the others finished their meals. Of course, I first kissed and embraced my dear cousin, her precious boy, and his beautiful lady. What a family and how lucky I am to know them!

Got the train and settled down for the almost six-hour trip. It was pleasurable to see the landscape speeding by, but the stops came about fifteen times and it got tedious. Happy day, Ellen was there at the Ventura station to pick me up and what a joy to see my girl! We went to Aloha on The Promenade for dinner and were surprised to see an arch outside set up for a marathon run. 
Had a good meal and good talk; got home about 6:30, kissed El goodbye, got my mail from Suzanne, and immediately jumped in the shower, then a bit of TV, then bed.

Golly Gee Oh Gosh, I had a wonderful time in Encinitas, but home is where that hunk of flesh is, and I'm glad to be here. 


iloveac said...

Glad you enjoyed your visit with Sally. Her quilt is beautiful. I enjoy/ed quilting and found it very relaxing...must get back into it.

Rosemary Molloy said...

Thanks, Pat. Internet has been down since last night. Not sure when I can post today; am using my phone.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...