Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Silvercrest And Connie

Walked Kimball early, so I'd have time to shower before breakfast. Did so, ate, then left for Diane's at Silvercrest. I'm more and more impressed with this over-62 complex.  It's very nicely kept and, while the apartments are small, they're adequate and maintained well.
I had been with Diane when she bought a bedspread (burgundy or dark red, and gold), a table runner (brown and burnished gold), and several wall hangings (gold shading into both burgundy and brown).  That decor may sound garish, but it isn't--it's beautifully tasteful. I had acquired a lamp I have no use for and brought it to see if  Diane could use it. She could and it fit perfectly in her bedroom; she was ecstatic.
At 10, we went downstairs to the balance exercise class and and I thought I recognized the instructor. I asked if she had worked at SCAN and, yes, it was Camille, whom I had met there. We chatted and both expressed regret about SCAN's closure.
The class, which included a stretchy band and weights, was pretty good. I thought I might be sore today, especially in the shoulders, but I wasn't. I'm considering going every week. Went back up to Diane's for a bit after, then left about noon.
Lunched, then went to meet Connie on Ralston Avenue. She got there with the costume, which I haven't tried on yet. I'm not so sure I like it, as it looks more like a bar maid's outfit than a fisher wife's, but we'll see how it looks.
As soon as I got home, I started preparing the patio for "John," who will be here at 10 this morning. I got rid of the multitude of pots I had collected and tidied it up a bit.
Went out for mushrooms, paper towels, and Parmesan cheese. Niece Carolyn called and we had a long talk. Betty called, asking if I was picking her up today; no, it's tomorrow. Had tuna steak, mushrooms, spinach, and carrots for a yummy din-din.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...