Thursday, January 17, 2019

And More Rain

Happy day, I was able to walk Kimball. The rain held off while I did, although it was dark and threatening. I took a chance and left later than my usual--about 8:00, but was glad I did.
Breakfast, then finally at long last, I filed the piles of papers I had neglected. Got it all done, but then wanted to establish some new file folders. I have plenty, but what I didn't have were the little tabs that go on them. After lunch, I went to Wal-Mart, Sears, Macy's, and two different Targets looking for them--no luck. That's yet another ordinary item that's so hard to find here, like the small bathroom cups and the bridge holder. It's very mysterious and I don't understand it. However, I noticed that some of the file folders contained material I no longer need, so emptied them and used the tabs.
Stopped at Bed, Bath & Beyond just on the off chance they'd let me return the electric toothbrush heads that don't fit my toothbrush, although both are Oral B. I had already opened the package, but yes, they credited my card by twenty-seven bucks without question.
Ellen called while I was in Von's to discuss the spelling bee to which I'll head in two hours or so. Happily, my cold's no worse, and I won't breathe on anyone. Besides, I'm going into a virtual petri dish of cold germs--elementary school--so figure I won't be too much of a menace.
Had a vegetarian meal for dinner: fresh spinach, frozen "San Francisco Medley," and, finally, the last of my zucchini/onion dish.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...