Thursday, January 10, 2019

Happy Hour And Covered Dish

Walked Kimball, where I ran into Irene and Diane. Latter said she was going to see the Pompeii exhibit that day. Since I skipped Kimball today, I'll ask her about it tomorrow..
Did a load of wash, then walked to the p.o. to mail something to son, Mike ( I swear her's into some kind of nefarious doings, but I don't care). Stopped at Von's on the way back for blueberries and cottage cheese. Jumped in the shower when I got home and dressed to go to Diane's.
I took  the bus from Telegraph to Victoria to Telephone, got the other to Petit and was a little early,so I browsed in Goodwill for bit. I was a bit early at Diane's, but that was good: I like talking to her one-on-one once in a while. When we meet, it's always the four of us and while that's congenial, occasionally, I want to just chat with here.
Nancy and Carolyn got there and we had a delicious HH/lunch. Diane served tapas she had made herself, plus cheese, two kinds of small lunchmeat rounds, warm acavodo dip, crackers, and , of course,copious amounts of wine. I brought two small bottles of Corona because I knew I'd be having wine at the covered dish, drank them, and just had half a glass of vino. 
We had a ball, of course, laughing and talking. Carolyn asked me a question about Toastmaster and at one point, we were cross-talking. She wants advice on doing a "proposal" talk and we agreed T. was sometimes more trouble and work than it's worth.
I left about 4:00, caught the two buses home and changed, sliced my tortilla pinwheels (they looked pretty bad, but I took them along) and was outside waiting for the Access van at 6:00. It didn't come for 20 minutes, but that was okay, it got me there on time.
The covered dish was fun. Saw Jan and her husband (what a stunning couple: She's small and slender, with a beautiful face and wavy grey hair, he's tall and very good-looking). Sat with Cherie, the prez of Dudley House Society, and Kathie B, also active in the group. I saw and chatted with a lot of others, whom I know from earlier events. The food was delish, as usual, and I had a few more glasses of wine.
The speaker was a guy talking about the early railroads near here. That was interesting to hear and I enjoyed it. Van came a bit after 8:00, took  me home and now I'll prepare for my Santa Barbara trip to see Betty.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...