Monday, January 07, 2019

Just A Day

Drove to Kimball and found the gates closed. Drat, I think they're supposed to open at 7:00 and this was about five of. Guess I could have driven around and come back, but didn't. I went to get gas, then home for breakfast and my usual Sunday routine. I walked over to Vons for ground turkey and later, from Winco to the Dollar Tree, so I think I approximated the Kimball walk.
I've now gone to four stores looking for small paper bathroom cups. The only ones I found were kiddie ones with cartoon characters on them--I'd strangle on my toothpaste before I'd buy them.
To town after lunch and did the loop: library to Promenade to Main and back to library. Got home a little after five. Cooked my ground turkey and chopped onions and, with half an acorn squash and a bowl of mixed veggies, dinner was yummy.

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