Thursday, February 13, 2025


Now I'm getting seriously annoyed with Lorraine. For years, my usual wake-up time had been about 5:00--sometimes even earlier, but I purposely started to stay up later, in order to sleep later. I now get up about 6:45, which suits me fine. Lorraine tends to call at 7:00 and did again yesterday while I had a mouth full of toothpaste. She called to report that it was raining and "to be careful out there." Oh, good grief, I try to be patient, but she's beginning to wear on me. Yes, I could just let it ring, as I have phone ID (can't bring myself to do that), but maybe I'll just ask her to make her calls later. 

Anyhoo--after breakfast, I just cleaned up, then left for the bus at 10:05. It was drizzling and I wore my boots, but stupidly forgot my umbrella. Oh, well, I just got a little wet. Got to the place in Ojai where El picked me up at noon and off we went to her place.

El made lunch (I had a chicken sandwich and Blue Moon--yum!) then we went to some shops. El got some aluminum pans (very handy, I have some myself) and I a few birthday cards. Then we went to the Rainbow Bridge and saw Greg. El also got some protein drink and some kind of cheese. After, Greg left early and came back with us to play--what else? GIN RUMMY! 

It was a tough fight, but I won by a slight margin; we didn't get up to 500, though, because the Access Van came to take me away at a little after 5:00. Home and I tried to think of some very small gift (we don't really exchange presents), just a token for Suzanne's birthday, which was yesterday. I finally hit on wrapping ribbon and a bow on one of the lemons El gave me from her tree and, with a card, left it at her door. 

Got a Message from Mike asking if I'd send two bags of some certain pretzels to him for Violet. He said it would probably cost about fifty bucks, which may be a low estimate, but I'll see what I can do. (I assume he'll reimburse.)

Had a hassle with this machine last night, but called El and I think--one never knows with these things--the problem is resolved. 

Note: Not exactly sure how I blundered into this typeface, but I like it, and will retain.


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