Saturday, February 15, 2025


Weight: Up 1.4 both at home and at T.O.P.S. for totals of 126.4 and 127.1, respectively. I have no problem with those, considering I was down more than five pounds last week, due to my malady. Meeting was somewhat draggy, as ever, but I was amused when Bev gave me this:

Think I'll add it to the little gift I'm giving Diane; she'll get a kick out of it. 

For a change, I skipped my usual oatmeal for breakfast and made myself scrambled eggs and toast--tasted good for a change. I contacted Canon, as I had gotten an email to the effect the printer ink I had ordered had been delivered. It hadn't and they agreed to send another.  It was a little chilly and windy to eat outside, but I packed my lunch, figuring I'd eat at the mall. I first walked to the P.O. to mail off Mike's packet, then bused there. 

At Target, I found the pretzels Mike wants me to send over for Violet: 
Good grief, I'm going to have to figure a way to package them--AND I'm wondering if sending food through the U.S. mail is allowed. Guess I'll find out.  

I really wasn't hungry by the time I finished, as I had had breakfast so late, so I bused home and ate lunch there. By that time, it was 3:30, but that was okay. Took a 45-minute nap after.

I got this darling Valentine card from the Tokyo trio (names obscured) and enjoyed the jokey phrase. Yes, I got it: chocolate is soon gone, but our wishes persist.

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