Tuesday, February 18, 2025


It's been a long time since I talked to my friend, Nancy, so I called her yesterday. I was sorry to hear she had been in the hospital with pneumonia for six days in November, although she recovered. She's had knee problems and some kind of blood problem for many years, but is holding her own, as the saying goes. We both vowed to keep in closer touch now.

I tackled the two bags of pretzels that must go to Singapore and spent a fair amount of time wrapping them. Put them in my cart and started for the post office. Got about halfway there when I realized it was Presidents' Day and the P.O. was closed. Okay, El will be here today and I'll ask her to take me. Messaged Mike to ask what his limit is on postage (he'll reimburse me). I know he mentioned fifty bucks, but if it's more, I want to let him know. 

Left about 4:30 to get the first of two buses to Stone Fire Grille for dinner with the Soaring Spirits gang. As I rounded the curve in the complex, I ran into Vickie, who insisted she wanted to take me there. I acquiesced and, as there was now plenty of time, I also accepted her invitation to stop into her place to visit. Did so and she offered me a beer; accepted that, also. We chatted happily for 45 or so, then took off. I wish I had thought to ask if she wanted to choice us (those who have lost life partners are also welcome in S.S.), but I didn't. Later, Vera gave me an printed invitation card, which I'll give Vickie. 

Went in to find  my friends--there were eleven of us, including, of course, dear Vera (no guys, though, which was unusual). I, of course, didn't have an IPA, as I had had beer at Vickie's and I never drink more than one. We had our nicely convivial time and, as ever, Vera took me home; got in at 7:30.


Amused at some back-and-forth with my friend, Pat R., I looked up a particular person--a saint, no less and found Esmeralda's corpse on the Internet:                                                               


I'm intrigued by the website, the proprietor being a real, old-fashioned Catholic. In earlier days, I would have believed this one hundred percent myself: 



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