Sunday, February 23, 2025


I was pleased when Jimmy D. called me about 10 am (presumably, his helper got him the connection). To an extent, he was the same old Blowhard Jim; he boasted that he was in excellent health. He meant physically, clearly, because his mental capacity has deteriorated, which I'm not sure he realizes. When I mentioned our trip to see Betty at Villa Alamar two years ago, he had no recollection of it at all, but here's proof he was there:

In fact, I'm not sure he remembered Betty--or me, for that matter. He didn't call me "Arty," Betty's and his nickname for me in the olden days, and while he seemed engaged, he asked no questions. Anyway, we spoke for just five minutes or so, and I said to keep in touch and I'll do the same. After, I texted his daughter to tell her of the call and to thank her again. She responded that Jim also has what she called "a home phone" (a landline, that is) and he might answer that if I called. She gave me the number and I'll use it in a few weeks to touch base with Jim again. 

As for the other Jim: The Access Van picked me up and I got to his residence before noon. I gave Celeste the girl scout cookies I had bought, thinking her charges would enjoy them. Jim had already ad lunch and was in bed when I came in, although he assured me he wasn't about to nap; said he "wasn't allowed" to walk, although I doubt if that's so. However, he was in pretty good shape mentally; we had a conversation that was intelligible, ranging over his experiences, present-day and as a child, when he went to New York with his mother. He said his friend, Roy, had been to see him and also his friend, George. I asked Jim about his weight and was happy to hear he had gained some. At one point, Victor, the proprietor, came in and gave me a cold bottle of Lipton iced tea--so nice of him. 

So I stayed about forty minutes, but by then, I was hungry, plus there wasn't too much else to talk about, so I said goodbye, assuring Jim I'd come back. I knew the Access Van wouldn't be back to pick up for at least 45 minutes, so I asked Victor if I could eat my lunch. Sure, and he showed me to the atrium, a very nice area with a table and chairs. I ate my sandwich and drank my IPA (I took the iced tea home) and greatly enjoyed it. After that, I waited out front where there's a covered veranda and a comfortable bench. Talked to the helper, Marvin, who was watering the lawn. He's from the Philippines--speaks accented, but good English.  The more I see of Granny's Care Center, the more I like it (aside from the odious name). 

Got home after 2:00 and called Lorraine to meet me so I could give her the lemon she had asked me for. Did so, then went over to Von's for plant milk and peas. Later, Mike called/facetimed me; he got back from Vietnam late Thursday. He said my great-nephew, Cameron, was over for dinner the other night and he and Violet got along fine. Cameron is now visiting a friend in Thailand. (Hmm...when I was twenty, I was lucky to get to Malvern, Pa.) 

Lunch with Noreen today and I'm looking forward to that. 


iloveac said...

I vaguely remember the name Jim D. Betty looks so good in that photo. Did she remember him during that visit? Did she date him in high school?

Mimi said...

Unfortunately, no, she didn't remember him. Betty and I used to double date Jimmy and Butch Camp (given name, Raymond). Jim is five months younger than we are and was in an earlier grade; I'm not so sure he actually graduated. Yes, it was during high school and a little after that
they dated. Butch became the ticket-taker on the Margate bridge; he died twenty or so years ago.


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