Sunday, February 16, 2025


Did a color wash, then spent several hours de-cluttering and reorganizing the shelving in my bedroom. I'm still not completely sold on the result, but it's better than before. While going over this and that, I found this letter from Jimmy D., which was certainly written a half-century or longer ago:

The text: Arty Dear, Sorry I didn't go out with you and Pat last evening, but we went to Maini instead. We got into a little trouble and were requested to leave the State. Keep it under your hat--please. I'll drop you a line when I get to Minnesota. Again, I'm sorry.  Love, Jim 

Finding it reminded me I hadn't heard from Jim in months. I called him, but the message machine--one of those garbled ones--was on and I asked him to call me. Much as Jim can be a pain in the rear, I hope he's okay. He's been a heavy smoker since about the time I started--when we were both in our teens--but I've been clean for thirty years or more. 

Went over to Von's and stocked up on the items I need to complete my signature turkey stir-fry: sweet peppers and the ground turkey itself. I bought three pounds, which will make about four servings. Of course, I'll add fresh tomatoes, onion, garlic, and seasonings. Home, I divided the turkey and washed, cored, and chopped the peppers. Stowed all in the freezer, as I'll be in Ojai today, have Soaring Sprits tomorrow, and will be at Diane's on Tuesday. Naturally, it doesn't take long to make the stir-fry, but for some reason, I want to do it on a day I don't have other obligations.

Finally found a possible way to send the pretzels to sweet little Violet. (Actually, you wouldn't describe her personality as sweet  and she sure isn't little anymore--must be five seven or so and I'm not sure she's finished growing.) Mike Messaged that if it's too hard to send, don't worry about it, but now I'm determined to do it. Will report back here, if successful.  Or not. 

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