Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Yesterday was a satisfying one--not because great things happened, but because I finally got around to the everyday, mundane things I've put off. Did a color wash during breakfast, then quartered my four big apples and popped them in the larger slow cooker with cinnamon. I had just bought rice and understand it's good for the innards, so I put a cup with water in the smaller slow cooker and fired it up.  I then tackled cleaning the fridge, which--well, talk about procrastination--I've been meaning to do since Hector was a pup. That's an old expression my mother never used--I just think it's funny. I actually looked it up and found this history of how it came to be:

What followed was a quick, impulsive trip across the street to Great Clips to get a trim. It's so-so--we're not talking The Beverly Hills here--but better than before. Before going home, I picked up oatmeal from Von's, then the mail (just something official for Mike, which I'll send him). 

Jim's friend, Roy S.., called me back and we discussed going to see Jim. We settled on 1:00 on Thursday--I'll take the Access Van there and Roy will take me home. Made a note to call the Van today, as you have call a day ahead. I'm going to Ellen's today and decided I'd take the bus there, then the Van home, so called with the request. I also added twenty bucks to my account, so I don't have to remember to have the four dollars cash with me. 

A high point of the day was that I received the two under-the-sink organizers I had ordered.  I immediately cleared out under the kitchen sink and--after some difficulty--put one together. It's just an inexpensive thing in pink plastic, but I'm delighted with it....except...UH-OH!!!  Read on (sob):  

As I was typing this, I remembered that I had washed the two slow cookers and put them in the drainer on the counter next to the sink. Wait, didn't the drainer have to fit under, too? I certainly don't want it sitting out on the counter when not in use. I went, looked, moved things around, frowned in frustration, and tried it. The fact is--the drainer will fit only if it's kind of jammed in and then I can't get the tray in front to fit flat. Oddly for me, instead of doing my usual screaming histrionics and cursing my birth, I kind of mentally shrugged and decided I'd see if maybe both would fit under the bathroom sink. Anyway, I'm not going to obsess over it.

I put in a nice piece of salmon and lay it on a bed of lime slices. Added Italian seasoned and baked it up--delish!

El called to see how I was feeling--fine--and talked about what I might like for lunch at her place today. Anything will be fine as long as I'm with her, of course. 


Today, my husband would be 94 years old, if he hadn't died 16 years ago. 

Rest in peace, Pat.


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