Friday, February 07, 2025


 A dreary day. I didn't go out at all, even to get the mail because it rained almost all day. If I ever entertain the notion of moving back to Jersey, I need to remember that. Plus, I'm still having some tummy problems, although it's eased a bit. I've been following the BRAT routine--or I would if I had any rice; I'll go to Von's today to get some.  I did have applesauce, bananas, and toast; must replenish those.

Other than lazing around, I didn't do anything much. Watched a silly TV thing on Leonardo DiCaprio, made about twenty years ago. Boring.  Played Royale Match on the laptop--even that is starting to bore me. Read my book on the murders at the Idaho college. Thought of calling Muckie to chat, but just didn't. If I feel better today, I'll see if Diane's available on Saturday. If so, I'll go over to see her new apartment.

Lay down for bit, but didn't nap, so got up. Damn, I hate this malaise! I'm considering it akin to teenage angst--hope I get over it once I galvanize myself. T.O.P.S. this morning--ugh.

Mike and his lady friend in China--just thought I'd throw it in here.


PMR from AC said...

Very pretty young woman. So glad you didn’t refer to her as his ‘girlfriend’.

Mimi said...

I guess they're a little old for those terms, all right.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...