Saturday, February 01, 2025


Weight: At home, I was up a pound to 130, at T.O.P.S. up 1.7 to 131.1--AAGH! That means I moved past comfort zone of 125 to 130, so this is serious. A major problem is that it's been chilly and I haven't felt much like walking outside. Yesterday, it got down to the low fifties, practically freezing! (Guess I've turning into a delicate California girl.)

Got a call from Julie, asking if I wanted to go to the BCNN meeting on Wednesday--yep and she'll pick me up at 9:00. Also got a call from Stella. I had forgotten we had discussed the Ventura Parks & Recreation bus trip to San Luis Obispo on February 11. I must call on Monday because there's a waiting list; hope I got in--or on.

Spent the entire morning on one of the hall closets where I keep linens and some other stuff. It's hard to believe how many cloth napkins (as a rule, I don't use paper ones), placemats,  kitchen towels, tablecloths--and that was just one shelf. I tackled the bath towels and wash cloths one, too, plus the sheets and pillowcases one, clearing out a lot to donate and rearranging the rest. And this is only the bath linen pile: 

Called SCAN to ask about a benefit of $150 for dental that I didn't even realize I had. Later: I was on the phone with SCAN from 5:00 pm to 5:30, trying to get my OTC balance. I won't go into why, but I called again because I had gotten conflicting information. The second person kept repeating what my benefit is--I know what it is, I wanted my balance. I guess I'll just have to go to CVS and see. 

Slept well, but this seems to be a pattern: alternating good sleep one night and not the next. Guess it's better than consistent sleeplessness.  

Note: I have no idea why the spacing is so skewed at the top. Tried to fix it and it didn't work.

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