Saturday, February 08, 2025


I lost five pounds. Goes to show, all you have to do is get sick and you never have a weight problem. Specifically, I was down 5.2 at home, to 125 even and 5.4 at T.O.P.S to 125.7. The meeting was the usual therapy session. Ironically, I won the biggest loser prize--a big four bucks.

Home, breakfast (cottage cheese on toast). Although I learned that caffein should be skipped on a anti-diarrhea regime, I didn't care to omit, so had (just one) cup, but left out the sweetener. By the time I sat down, it was past 10:00 and once I ate, did the crosswords and cryptograms, it was later. 

Went over to Von's and got the recommended BRAT items: bananas, rice, applesauce, and bread for toast. Cleaned up a bit and took the trash to the receptacle. While there, I saw Lorraine and we decided to meet int the middle while I had my lunch. Happily, it had gotten sunny and reasonably warm, although a little breezy.  

My innards had been quiet for some time, but I foolishly added an IPA to my cottage cheese on bread lunch. I had no problem until a few hours later, when--well, I did. I'm hoping that was just a slight flare-up, though. Filled out my Valentine cards for the Tokyo, Singapore, and Hawaii kiddies (one of them is over twenty), and put them in the mail. Considering how slow USP has been, they might get them by Easter.  

Ran into my neighbor, Gordon, and we chatted. I finally decided I'd put a note on the post by my parking spot and I did: "To the person in my parking space: Please leave your contact information here." Ordinarily, I wouldn't care, but I had told Vickie, who has several health, that she could park there and now she has to park on the street, a much longer walk. 

Got my mail--nothing interesting--and just futzed around a bit. Had rice and water for dinner. It's hard to say how my malady is doing. I think it's abating, but it's hard to say. Mindful of dehydration, I'm  drinking plenty of water, so I hope it's slowly resolving. If I'm not better by Monday, I'll call Primary Medical and/or Urgent Care. 

1 comment:

Pat from HSHS said...

Sounds like you’re doing most things that work. Good idea to call on Monday. There may be something new on the market that’ll work better. Hope this ends soon.


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