Saturday, February 22, 2025


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The "meeting" consisted of Cheryl bringing in the current issue of T.O.P.S. magazine and we all read some. This kills me: we all get the magazine at home; if we were interested, why wouldn't we just read it there?  However, I almost never even open it. It's loaded with all kinds of "inspirational" messages, third-grade level, that are supposed to "inspire" us to lose weight and quit raiding the cookie jar. Okay, I'm a cynic and sometimes I just have to blow off steam.

Anyhoo, home and breakfast, then did food prep with the rest of my produce: Washed, cored, and sliced the huge apples, added cinnamon, Stevia, and butter spray to three and popped them in the oven. The other four I sliced, cored, seasoned, and put them on "low" in the slow cooker. 

I got a text from someone I had found on Facebook who is a friend of Jimmy Downes' daughter, Christina. The friend gave me Chris'es phone number and I immediately called her. Chris said her Dad was having short-term memory problems and he no longer knows how to operate his phone. He still lives where he had been, but now has a helper who seems to do everything. His children took his car away (good! I was nervous when I was in it with him at the wheel), but he has a golf cart to get around. He's still smoking like a chimney, but I guess by now, it seems a moot point. Jim is just a few months younger than I am, so getting up there. I called Carolyn to fill her in about it and we had a nice talk. We vowed to get together one of these days when our schedules both permit. 

Made and packed lunch, then set off for Ralph's Supermarket. I've been concerned that I haven't been getting enough walking in, so I was glad to do thw mile and a quarter. The weather was just ideal: sunny and hovering around seventy, with a very light breeze, so it was good.

Got bread, tomatoes, and some gorgeous grapefruit--half a dozen and they're bigger and better than Target's--yay! After, I sat in the round area nearby, as I have before, and ate my lunch. The seagulls were loving the fountain:


I called the Access Van to take me back and forth to Oxnard today to see Jim. I'm a little apprehensive about this because I asked to get there at noon and be picked up an hour later. Do I really want to spend an hour there? I may cancel--still considering. Maybe I'll take my lunch and see if I can eat it there.

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