Thursday, February 06, 2025


A good day: Ellen came over about 12:30 and we sat and chatted for a bit, then loaded my donations into the car. I had a ton of stuff to give, including the pile of linens I had shown here before and this: 

That bag on the right is full of DVDs and the box includes a small ice bucket, several books, and some kitchenware, as well as other stuff.

We had lunch here first (Ellen had brought her own)_, then went to the post office to send a package. From there, we drove to GoodWill to drop off the priceless possessions that had been mine. There was a delay in taking them in, so we went to the shop there. I bought flannel pajamas ($3.99) and a crystal wine stopper as a new-apartment gift for Diane ($6.99). I'll wrap it up in fancy packaging, add a card, and I know she'll like it.

After, we went back to my place and had our usual cutthroat game of gin. I won, as usual, because I just happen to be a superior player, but Ellen insists it was because I sat the power seat 😜. After a fun day, we said goodbye a little before 5:00.   

After dinner, I called Jim's friend and former student, Roy S., who had called me a month or so ago to get Jim's contact info.  I wanted to know if he saw Jim or got in touch with him. When he called me back, he said he had, indeed, and had gone to see him twice. I had thought Roy was an adult student of Jim's, but no--Roy had been in his class as a young guy in the seventies or eighties. Out of high school, he took a few courses at the community college where Jim taught, then entered U.C.L.A. Roy is now retired--he had been an auditor for an insurance company (even so, I thought he was a nice guy 😆 ).
We discussed Jim's fragility and mental decline, but agreed he was in a good place now.  We had a good talk and when I mentioned I don't drive, he was kind enough to say he'd take me home if I can get there (easy with the Access Van). Anyway, we agreed I'd call him next week and we'd decide on a good day to visit. I was very interested in the fact that he had heard of George, Jim's friend who collects his mail. Now I'm not sure if he's some kind of accountant or what. Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting Roy.

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