Friday, February 21, 2025


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage than I needed, so made a recipe and a half. After that, I made my signature turkey stir-fry: onions (chopped), green peppers (chopped), and roasted tomatoes (made them a few day ago), ground turkey, garlic, and my favorite Italian seasoning. I reserved a good portion for my dinner last night and froze the rest for later. 

It wasn't until late afternoon that I did the roasted cauliflower. Boiled for six minutes first, then spread on mayo and parm cheese, sprinkled with garlic sauce, and roasted for twenty minutes. So for dinner, I had a portion each of the three items I had made. Did I prepare the three pounds of large apples? No. Why? Because lazy me, I just. didn't. feel. like. it--so shoot me.  

Got a call from Jeanne Painter and we had a good chat. She tells me that her John, 95, still drinks a lot of V.O. daily, which he has since he was 17. Hey, maybe that's the secret to longevity.

After that, it was almost 2:00 and I made my lunch and took it to the middle to eat, along with a bio of Ted Kennedy by Joe McGinnis. I had read this years ago, but I like the way McGinnis writes (or wrote--he may be dead, for all I know), so am dipping into it again. 

Home, I took a short nap and was awakened by Lorraine, calling me back after I had left a message that I had a lemon for her. I'll see her one of these days.

I called Jim Downes again and again, the answering machine. Haven't heard from his daughter, either--think I'll research further.   

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