Sunday, February 09, 2025


Ellen called early and we discussed my visit today. I'll take the Access Van and get there sometime before noon. We thought we'd lunch, then go to Soule Park to walk. Sounds good. She's gotten into cooking lately and I had mentioned two chicken recipes I use a lot that are really good, so she asked me to bring them.

Changed the sheets and remade the bed, then did a bleach wash. My digestive system is still not up to par, so I was considering going to Urgent Care, but decided against it. Actually, it improved quite a bit later, which was a relief. I even had normal food and so far, so good.

Went over to CVS for some products and on the way, passed little girls and their Dad selling Girl Scout cookies. Naturally, I couldn't not buy, so I did. Suzanne was going to a funeral in Burlingame and I hadn't realized she had already left, so I thought I'd give them to her to share with the Sisters. However, she already left, so I just have to resist temptation.

I forgot to add a picture from T.O.P.S. on Friday of Sharon and yet another notable outfit: 

This time, her top matches the handbag (really more like a satchel) with the same print. I never fial to marvel at how much she spends on clothes, considering they're far from wealthy. Oh, well, it make her happy, I guess.

Got a darling Happy New Year card from nephew, Tim, and his family: 
As Tim remarked, better late than you-know-what. The youngest child of my sister, Gene's six, he's one of the older new-fathers in my extended family. He was fifty-one when his first and only was born. Of course, nobody has beaten my older son's record at this point: His boy is eleven and he's sixty-five. 

Feeling better, but still not up to par. 

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Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...