Monday, February 17, 2025


Crossword fair to middlin', but I got  most. Left at 10:15 to bus to Ellen's and she picked mu up at noon. We had lunch, then took a hike on the Meadow Preserve near her. It was a lovely day--sunny and in the low seventies, my fav--and a lovely walk. Here are a few pics from there:

El took videos of a soaring eagle--which I couldn't see at all.

We walked a bit more than a mile, I think, than it was back to El's and games of Blockus (I lost abysmally) and gin rummy. The final score isn't in yet, as the Access Van was due and we hadn't figured it. El said she'd total it up, but can I trust her to give credit where it's due??? I'm not so sure!*

Just kidding, of course. Anyway, I was delighted when El asked if I wanted to get together with her on Tuesday to go to Grocery Outlet, plus take me to GoodWill to donate more items. Sure thing and we'll have lunch here beforehand. 

Access Van picked me up shortly after 5:00; the driver was Eric, whom I've had before and like a lot. He's a non-traditional student, as I was (he's in his thirties) and goes to Ventura College. In the fall he'll enter another college to work toward his bachelor' degree; major is computer science. It was fun talking to him.

*Oh, yeah, sure, naturally: El texted later to say she had won by a hundred or so. Wrote back I'd be gunning for her next time.

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