Wednesday, February 05, 2025


I called Diane to tell her I'm still having my gastrointestinal problem and we'd have to postpone my visit. I was sorry and so was she, but I didn't want to stray far from the bathroom Washed the bath rugs and a few other items, then tried to take a nap, but didn't fall asleep. 

I finally got up and went over to Von's for bananas, cottage cheese, and Pepto Bismol. I had read on-line that the first two were good for what ails me. I had also wanted to get cabbage to make fritters, but something tells me my tummy may not approve, so I'll do it another time.

Ellen sent me a lovely Valentine card:

That reminds me to get my V. cards in the mail. Also, I want to get Diane and little apartment-warming gift--two bedrooms, wow!

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