Sunday, January 28, 2024


I spent the morning on food prep and paperwork. Washed, pared, and seasoned my four big apples, roasted them, and stowed three in the freezer, planning to eat the other as an evening snack.  Cooked up a big spaghetti squash, seeded it, and had half for dinner. 

I've decided to sell some of my glassware, so on the Facebook page, "Ventura Buy Sell And Trade" I listed this picture of the goods, which I'll sell for forty bucks:

Caption: Six martini glasses (I used them for daiquiris and Margaritas, too) and eight champagne/white wine glasses. These are not family heirlooms, but I've had them for many years. Honor your guests!

I also culled other items from the kitchen, which I'll donate to GoodWill. Aside from that, I did some filing and other boring stuff. Mike Facetimed me after lunch (evening where he lives) and I was sorry to hear Violet had been out of school for almost a week with the flu and that Paula had Covid, but not too badly.

I forgot to mention that on Friday, Stella had called to see if I could meet for lunch. I told her I had other plans, but we'd get together soon. Yesterday, I toyed with the idea of calling her to offer the same, but just didn't feel like going out--an oddity for me, especially because it was a beautiful, lower-seventies, sunny day. 

I may be a little low emotionally; I've gotten in the habit of listening to music (of the Nat K.C. and Elvis genre) and also, some opera. I was  enjoying a Maria Callas aria when my eyes suddenly filled with tears. I just don't know why. 

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I started off the morning with some annoying problems with Amazon Japan re Christmas gifts, but I don't want to go into detail.  Left at...