Monday, January 02, 2023

Sunday, Jim, And The Patio Glow

Prepared for my perennial lunch guest by deciding which of the Viola! dinners I would serve. Decided on the something-or-other chicken and pasta. I cooked it first, then put it in a large ceramic bowl to heat up when he got her. I just had rolls otherwise--didn't have any other sides. I had thought I make chocolate pudding for dessert, but you have to cook it with whole milk and I only had 2 percent. Set off for Von's, but before I got to the gate, it occurred to me to simply serve what was left of the orange cake I had frozen.  

Jim got here at his usual 12:30 and while the meal was heating, I showed him the books I want to remove from my collection. He took about half of them, all either bios or "how to" manuals; says he "can't read" fiction. I felt that way until three or so years, when I discovered Kellerman. However, I mainly stick to non-fiction.

As usual, Jim had several two helpings of both the main dish and dessert; it was good to see him enjoy it. After, we adjourned to the couch and read scripts. I had prepared two, one from a book of "best plays of 1997," the other a work in progress of my own called Christmas At Delaney's. What I do is highlight all the male parts for Jim and I do the female ones. I'm glad I thought of doing this a few lunches ago, as it beats trying to keep up a conversation.

Jim didn't leave until 4:00 and, after I cleaned up, I looked out at the patio and saw a marvelous sight:

YAY, my beautiful, sun-fueled, solar patio ornament that Ellen gave me is working! (I took a video, but for some reason, it wouldn't transfer.) This picture shows just one phase, but it actually drips slowly, then speeds up, then "pours" in a steady stream, as it's doing here. I'm surprised it got enough sun yesterday, but obviously, it did. I love it! Interestingly, it only "worked" for a time. I assume it hasn't gotten its full quota of sun yet, considering the recent rainy/cloudy weather. 


iloveac said...

Love your patio ornament.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Patti!


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...