Sunday, September 29, 2019

Was Blue And Flat, Now Not And Up

My blue mood has eased up, I'm happy to note.*
Called Betty to say I'd be up on Tuesday.  Called Nancy and was glad to hear she feels better; we remade our Downton Abbey date for Thursday next (I'm getting in the Brit mood.)
I had a list of things I needed/wanted to do and I accomplished most: paid my car registration on-line (incredibly fast and easy); got gas; scanned and sent to son Mike a tedious tax document; got new pot holders at Dollar Tree; and called Ellen to make arrangements to go to her place so she could check the air in my tires. Yes, yes, I know I should do it myself and she showed me once, but I just couldn't face it. Besides, I hadn't seen her for two weeks and I wanted to.
Drove to Ojai after lunch. El was just finishing up student report cards on her computer (the nuns would have dropped their teeth), and we chatted over a glass of iced tea. She had bought new drinking glasses and offered me her other ones. They're nicer than mine, so I took them and will donate mine to the thrift store.
She checked my tires and one was about flat, so she drove us to the gas station and filled it. She told me to check it when I got home, but I forgot and will do when I go out today. Back to her place and I left about 4:00 with  many thanks.
Drove into town, parked at the museum, and walked up Main to the library to return a book. Town was jammed--by mostly tourists, I guess--but far from annoying, I find it pleasant and festive  By that time, it was after 5 and I bused home happily.
* I seem to get into these low periods every six weeks or two months. I'm not sure why and I'm certainly not suicidal, but I just feel--say, less cheerful and optimistic then I usually do. It has lifted now as it always does after a day or two.


iloveac said...

Watching sibs you love declining takes on toll. Glad you have lots of activities that bring you joy.

I saw Bob McNesby's obit in today's press. Made me sad. He and my brother were best friends from days at St. Nick's. I had such a crush on Bobby McNesby in those years. He didn't even know I was alive.

Mimi said...

Thanks for letting me know about Bob McNesby, Pat. As I commented on your blog today, I had a big crush on his brother, Mickey.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...