Monday, December 31, 2018


Just a ho-hum day. Walked Kimball early and met up only with Ed and Lola. The Sunday edition of the Ventura Star didn't arrive until after breakfast, but I at least had the Saturday one. Did the Sunday crossword at lunch.
Drove to Winco and The Dollar Tree for a few things, had lunch, then boarded the bus for town. Called Betty while on the way to hear some disturbing things I don't want to mention here. Got off at the library and walked down Main, but didn't go to The Promenade--just didn't feel like it. Stopped into the Child Abuse Thrift Store (that name really gets to me) and picked up two Victorian style albums for three bucks each. I think my old family pictures will look great in them.
Dropped stuff off when I got home, then drove to the bank for cash, after which I went to Von's for two more 16 ounce packages of blueberries. I'm addicted!
Nothing much going on otherwise.

Sunday, December 30, 2018


Gad, everything went wrong yesterday!  First of all, I got up at my usual, 5:15, did my usuals, then left for Kimball a little early, about 6:45. But what was this? The entrance gates were closed. I've been there before that early, but they were always open. I guess they were closed because it was Saturday and right after Christmas, so the center and indoor pool were closed.
I drove on to WinCo and got lots of veggies, plus some nice tuna steaks and raw shrimp. Back to Kinball to find the gates open, so did my walk. I met up with Carolyn, whom Bob had told me on Friday had had her hair done in Beverly Hills. Boy, do I love it! She wants to let it go gray and somehow, the stylist mixed in color (blonde) with the gray, so it looks very natural, not "roots gray and the rest colored." The cut, too, is terrific: very short, very youthful in a kind of tousled way. Think I'll ask her today how much she paid--a bundle, I'm sure.
Frustration number 2: Got home for breakfast a little late, at 8:10 or so, and--my newspaper wasn't out front!  Now this is more a disaster than a frustration; how can I have breakfast without my paper? I called and got the message I've gotten in the past that "production problems" had occurred, so the Ventura Star would be late. Damn, how could I eat? I have to read the paper during breakfast, then do the Word Jumble and the crossword puzzles, otherwise, I'd probably get indigestion. But I was hungry, so I grudgingly looked over the T.O.P.S. magazine, about as insipid a publication as I've ever seen. Paper came just after lunch.
Frustration number 3: I had to tackle various errors on my BOA account (middle name and address), just another hassle.
Frustration number 4: My Christmas gifts to my sons, a live donkey and a keyhole garden, both of which were to go to poor families in Africa or Asia, failed to arrive, although I had paid for them. Called the phone number for "Sendacow" and got a message it was no longer in service and to contact them on-line. I did, but haven't heard back.
Frustration number 4: A printer cable, was sent me in error from Amazon, instead of a little extra gift I had gotten for Ellen. I e-mailed and called and so on and hope all is resolved, but it was a hassle.
But, hey, things were looking up later. I finally got out and took the bus to Main, then walked to The Promenade. I went all the way over and up to Main the long way, about twice as long as I usually do. Took the bus home, then went out for a few things.
Suzanne came over while I was cutting up broccoli and we had a nice chat. We commiserated together over the damn Yandoo thing, and will try to change our server. But she also came over to ask if I wanted to go to the Pompano exhibit at the Reagan Library and I sure do. We'll go on Thursday, January in (gulp!) 2019.
It just occurred to me this is a crybaby post and I should be ashamed. But I'm not, so there!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Here And There

Walked Kimball, then went to T.O.P.S. I was sure I had gained, considering the Christmas holidays, and I had, but incredibly, only by five tenths of a pound.  I went to 129.9 from 129.4 so I'm still within my end point of 130. That's good. The meeting itself was the usual exercise in pointlessness and I didn't get breakfast until after 10:00.
After that, I called Yandoo, my TV and Internet provider, to set up an appointment, as they're "improving the service" and have to change my box. Oh, and guess what? After six months, customers must pay thirty bucks more a month, whether they want the "service" or not. And I don't. I'll have to see if I can get another provider, but I don't think I can here.
Ellen called to ask if I'd take her to Pep Boys on Monday at 10:00, as she has to have her brakes done and sure, I will. Unfortunately, she said the huge old tree in her front yard lost a third of itself, a big branch that fell into the street and the fire department had to come to put it on her lawn. Now she's having an arborist (?--well, Spellcheck doesn't know what it is) come to tell her if the tree can be saved.
I opened my 123 And Me kit and registered it, but haven't started the process yet. Incredibly, I got so caught up in participating in their many health surveys on-line, that I didn't run out to to store for lettuce until after my regular lunch time of 1:00 and didn't eat until after 2:00. I just enjoy doing those things, for some strange reason.
Got the bus to town and walked from the library to the mission and back, but I didn't get back home until 5:39. Had leftover chicken, sauteed mushrooms and onions for dinner, then spent time on this computer.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Mostly Memorabilia

Walked Kimball bundled up in sweater, coat, hood, and gloves--boy, was it chilly. Ran in to Diane and Irene, then Carolyn and Bob.
After breakfast, I spent several hours--until lunchtime, in fact--finding and assembling the genealogy items nephew Wes had requested. That included on the Byrne side, the book that supposedly takes us back to Adam. I also put in a lot of pictures and documents on both the Byrne and Figenshu sides. However, as I wrote Wes, I have such an enormous amount of family memorabilia, he'll have to come visit to really get to the bottom of it.
Mike had sent Paula's 123 and Me (incidentally, I haven't opened mine yet) to me and asked me to wrap and send to her in Singapore. However, they're not there now, they're in Hawaii, and will be for several more days--one of their practically monthly getaways.
I assembled and wrapped both packages, then walked to the P.O. to send. Got a bus from there to town, and while I was riding, I got a video call on the phone--happy day! This was the Tokyo Trio calling and I was able to see and talk to all three, including the adorable five-year-old, Mr. K. He and Mommy were busily making out New Year's cards, Mr. K. writing his name on them. My son, P., told me he had put on Skype a video of K. playing the piano, but I can't seem to find it. I'll keep trying.
It was so noisy on the bus that I got off to talk to the callers. Walked into a beauty parlor (no customers) and asked if I could talk in there, so I did.
After the call, I got on another bus and instead of my usual, I got off at the mission and walked the few blocks to Von's to pick up salad dressing and more blueberries (two for one this week). I then got on another bus for home. As I walked past the parking place, I saw Suzanne's car there, so knew she was home. Rang her bell to give her the mail I had picked up.
I got an email from Jim C., whom I had had in my acting class. He teaches philosopy at Ventura College and asked about getting together again. I immediately wrote back that I'd love to, and we'll set something else with another of my students, Char, who's older than I am, but seems pretty much
"with it," as we used to say.
I'll walk Kimball in an hour or so, then go to T.O.P.S. I'm prepared for a gain, considering what I ate over the holiday, but I'll address that subsequently.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Settling Back In Day

I slept soundly--I always do at Ellen's--and got up at 6:30. Dressed, poured my coffee, consulted this laptop for mail and so on, and did the jumble and crossword puzzle. El and Greg got up later and she again made me (I'm spoiled, I know it!) eggs and toast. I packed up, said goodbye with many thanks, and left for Ventura.
Much as I enjoyed my Christmas season stay in Ojai, I wanted to get back to my regular routine, so I parked at the museum, walked to The Promenade, then to Main, and back to the car. Stopped to get lettuce and made my lunch salad, as usual.
I picked up both Suzanne's and my mail and found more gifts, including a lovely studio portrait of Tokyo son, his wife, and little boy in traditional robes. I wish I could copy it here, but son forbids it. I also got a wonderful surprise: a 123 And Me ancestry kit from Mike, Paula, and the girls. Can't wait to find out where I came from. The Rosemary tree from dear daughter, El, is now on my coffee table, and I received pottery and a petroglyph pendent from The Other One.
I spent a fair amount of time unpacking, setting up my medication holders, and various other everyday chores. Sent text messages to all four of my children, either with thanks, or to respond to theirs. Also texted nephew, Wes, to tell him I'll send the Byrne genealogy book tomorrow (just to borrow) and got a nice note back.
Other than that, I walked only around the corner and back in the afternoon, stopping at Von's for blueberries. By the time I finished all the Facebook stuff I put on, it was time for din-din (6:00) and I was tired of the computer, anyway.*
*Or, as a childhood friend of mine used to say, "anyways."

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Day

What an enjoyable Christmas! I woke up early, El and Greg not long after, and, with coffee, we gathered in the living room to open our presents. I got some nice gifts, including a wonderful Rosemary tree shaped like a little fir, with a gold bow on top. Another yummy scrambled egg breakfast, and hanging out doing this and that. Greg had promised to make a side dish for dinner at his mother's, so gathered up his root vegetables, garlic bulbs, and other spices. He asked if he could snip some fresh sprigs off my tree--well, sure, and he did. We had lunch, then took off for Santa Barbara. Greg had decided to skip Carolyn's, as it would take him some time to prep and cook, so we dropped him off at his mother's first.
Lots of family hubbub at Carolyn's, into which we settled happily. Betty and her entire family were there: Carolyn and Dana and their two, of course, plus Steve, Robyn, and Dex, and Wes and his three girls from Chicago. I few friends came in while we were there, so it was great fun.
I had a bit of spiced wine, then we talked and visited for an hour or so. Wes then sat down with me to ask some questions about our ancestry and we got into a rapt genealogical discussion. I told him I'd let him borrow the book my cousin wrote on the Byrne (Irish) side of the family and he'll send me a transcript of the tapes my mother (Figenshu on the German side) made years ago.
Greg's family was eating early and we left about 4:00 to join them a few miles away. Had a casual meal of tamales and Greg's root vegetables (superb) with his mother, brother, Frnak, SIL Pam, and three sons from Minnesota.
This is a good-looking family, the boys ranging in age from 17 to 20 and all three musically gifted (French horn, violin, and clarinet). Frank looks like what he is, I guess, a gastrointestinal/something else doc at the Mayo Clinic and Pam is very attractive. She looks remarkably young to have boys the ages she does, and we had fun talking.
It had been tentatively decided we'd all go to the movies (I'm not sure if they play games) and we went to the 7:00 show and saw The Mule, with Clint Eastwood. He looks like Methuselah's uncle, but the movie itself wasn't mildly engaging.
Said goodbye to Greg's family and El drove back to Ojai. We sat up for a bit after, my daughter and I smoking some, but it still didn't seem to have any effect on me. However, I slept soundly, as I always do here and am enjoying El's good coffee as I write.
(I got up at 6:30 and had the privilege of cleaning up after Sebastian, who had had one of his frequent gastric upsets. This resulted in the emptying his internal cavity and injecting the contents onto the floor, via both ends--UGH!)

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Eve

Here I am at Ellen's in the snug little Meiners Oaks section of Ojai. Yesterday, I walked Kimball, straightened up around the apartment, then prepared my lunch, packed, and took off.  El already had the turkey (fresh) in the oven and a lot of dinner made.
After we ate lunch, I watched and kibitzed while she decorated a pretty little gingerbread house. It came with the frame already put together, and with various icings and other doodads. After, we added  ornaments to the tree and tidied up. Greg came in and we sat for a bit with the Pinot Girgio I had brought, then sat down for dinner.
Boy, was it good. The turkey was very tender, the stuffing was made-from-scratch like my mother used to, and the sides were tasty.
After they cleaned up (no, I'm a guest, so I sat), El and I played two rounds of Blokus, a fun and simple (that's the only way I like them) game, then the three of us settled into gin--the game, that is, not the booze.
An hour or so later, El put on Fargo, one of my faves, and we watched about half before I fell asleep. Turned in and slept soundly.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Ellen's And Elsewhere

I slept until practically the middle of the afternoon, 7:30, and skipped Kimball again. El made me a lovely scrambled egg breakfast, we chatted a bit, then I packed up and took off for home. I'll go back today and sleep over again. We'll go to Santa Barbara after opening presents and so on, first to Carolyn's to see Betty's gang, then to Roz'es, Greg's mother, where we've been invited for dinner.,
On the way home, I stopped into The Coalition in town. Their Christmas stuff was half off and wouldn't you know I had to buy two cone/Christmas trees, a pretty Christmas plate, and two Christmas stockings. It's a sickness, I tell you.
Put them in my car, then walked to The Promenade, then to Main; I didn't want to have a day without any exercise at all. Circled back and drove home, first stopping to pick up tomatoes, lettuce, grapes,  zucchinis, and blackberries. On the way, El called to ask me to pick up a bottle of wine for tonight. I got a kick out of her saying, "please pay at least fifteen dollars for it." Ha--she knows how cheap I am! ("But what's wrong with Tisdale at $2.78 a bottle? There's no difference, except it doesn't taste as good.")
After lunch, I cut up about three pounds of tomatoes and two big onions, added olive oil, vinegar, and Italian seasoning, and popped it in the oven. Also cut up the zucchini with onions--cooked them up and froze some.
By the time I was finished my food prep, it was getting late and I decided to drive to BevMo to get the wine, instead of busing. What a madhouse! There were actually police directing traffic, it was so jammed. However, I got a parking space, ran in, got a nice young woman to advise me on what good wine to buy and she directed me. Bought two, one to give Roz as a hostess gift. I thought I had a gift wine bag, but I didn't, so will have to stop and buy one.
Showered, washed my hair, and I'm ready to go back to El's for lunch--yay!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

My Day And Marijuana

I skipped Kimball because--notorious procrastinator that I am--I was under the gun for a number of tasks. I completed them after breakfast: changed my bed, did a load of wash, packed my suitcase, wrapped all the Ojai presents, finished the letter to Dave Perry and sent it off with a card, and inspected what was left in the fridge. I knew I wouldn't be eating at home for a bit, so I froze some things to retrieve later.
I had so many things to take to Ellen's, I took several trips to the car. These included suitcase, birthday and Christmas presents, outdoor clothing, my lunch salad, and so on. Got there before 1:00, then El and I ate. She had made tamales and I had one with my salad. I'm not sure I've ever had one before (I've had other Mexican food), but it was so good.
Greg came home and after a bit, we went out to look for a tree. Went to a highway robber hardware store in Ojai, where prices ran $67.00 and up for even the small ones!. El started negotiating and got forty percent off, but that wasn't enough, so we left. Went to a place in Oak View and saw  nice ones that were considerably less expensive and she and Greg chose one. She even bargained that down before she bought it--that's my girl!
Home, she and Greg set it up in front of the window and strung it with those beautiful little fairy lights. We put some ornaments on, but it was then time to go to my birthday dinner, so we'll add more today. We went to Osteria Monte Grappa, which specializes in northern Italian cuisine and it was just delicious. The place was packed when we got there about 6:00, but luckily, had to wait only about five minutes. After we were seated, a number of other parties arrived and they had a much longer wait. I had penne with sausage and other things in it--just about the best pasta I've ever tasted--plus Chianti, of course. Greg had the same, El a dish with pesto, and, of course, good bread with oil and a wonderful balsamic vinegar for dipping.
After a leisurely meal, we went home for dessert. El served cupcakes, mine with a candle, they sang The Song, and I opened my presents. Got some nice things, including a coin counter, which I had wanted, a handmade necklace in a tiny mug, and a handmade birthday card from adorable Mr. K.
Then---finally, at long last, I got to smoke the marijuana El had given me weeks ago.  She did, too, although Greg didn't indulge. I had been anxious to see the effects, but was nervous about being alone when I did.
Now I'm still not sure. The thing was, I had had a fair amount of wine at dinner and felt its effects, all right--a nice little buzz. El had said the pot makes you giggly and she and I did, indeed, giggle and laugh a lot while the three of us played gin. However, we often giggle and laugh together, so the question is--was it the marijuana, the wine, or the mother and daughter thing? Not sure, so I'll have to try it again (heh-heh).
We then watched No Country For Old Men, which was well done, but not my cup of tea. I fell asleep in the middle, so went to bed after a lovely celebrating-my-birthday day.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

T.O.P.S. And Treats

Sort of an up and down day, but not bad. I walked Kimball, then changed and went to T.O.P.S. I was down a pound, to 129.4, which was okay. I had volunteered to run the program and read a paragraph about the history of obesity (only very recently did it become a health program). I had typed out multiple choice questions, then had the group  take turns reading them and discussing the actual answers. I slyly added a last question, concerning the calorie count for Carrow's mega-breakfast: Is it 750, 1200, or 1440. Yep, the last one--and this is where everybody wants to go in January. Hey, each to her own.
I was pleased that Sharon gave me an invitation to her husband's seventieth birthday party in January and I'll attend. They're an interracial couple with lots of children, grandchildren, and great-grands, although Sharon is only in her sixties. Should be fun.
Got a card from my old friend, Dave P., who had been systems manager for HR at Rider. Dave retired shortly after I did and lives in Point Pleasant, NJ. I wrote him a card and included a long letter, which I haven't finished yet, about my recent sojourn to Jersey. Haven't seen him for 12 years, but we keep in touch.
I called Betty to say happy birthday and we talked. I regretted a bit I had turned down Carolyn's invitation to join them for dinner, and even toyed with the idea of calling to accept. But I would have had to stay over and I just didn't want to--I'll be staying at El's tonight.
Anyway, I cheered up later and went to WinCo for items I forgot on Thursday. Had lunch, then took the bus to go to the songfest gathering at Cypress Point Independent Living. It was  pleasant and the champagne punch and eggnog with brandy, along with nibbles, were yummy.
El called after dinner and we had a long, good talk concerning our plans for the coming days. I'll bring my lunch to her place in a few hours, help her decorate the tree, and she, Greg, and I will go out for my birthday dinner. What a treat!

Friday, December 21, 2018

A Quest And A Meeting

After walking Kimball (and I was pleased to see Irene back, as she's been ill), I made out another Christmas card to send Greg's mother. Went to WinCo for Dave's Killer Bread, iced tea mix, and lettuce, then to Sprout's for blueberries. Bought El a present in Kohl's and while I was there, Betty called. She asked me to scan this article:Image may contain: text
from The Atlantic City Press of December 22, 1936 and send it to Carolyn, so she could print it out and give to Betty to show people. She asked if I could do it by 5:00, as she was going to a Christmas gathering where she lives. Said I'd try, then I went on a quest.
Now, I don't, as a rule, wear "Christmas jewelry." Frankly, I think it often looks tacky. However, I decided to wear green and white and I thought a tasteful red bauble would look nice with it. Looked in Koh's--nothing. Went to two 99-Cent store--nope. Drove home, then got the bus  to the mall  and looked at Target--uh, uh. Searched in Sears, Penney's, and some smaller stores and came up empty. I then decided the hell with it.
Got home and had a bite, then showered and dressed. Instead of actual Christmas stuff, I wore a red rose in Lucite and matching screw-on earrings, a set I've had for at least sixty-four years, as I remember wearing them in high school.
Went to the Humor & Drama Toastmasters Christmas meeting, which was--well, somewhat bizarre. Judi, the leader or something, is about my age (as of this very day, 82), but was decked out in the predictable: Christmas tree lights necklace, Santa hat, and so on. The "program," if you can call it that, was a snooze fest, aside from Fern explaining the new member packet. John C., who is one of those obnoxious old men who thinks his every word is golden, read--yeah, he always reads, except when he rambles on, pointlessly yet this is supposed to be a public speaking group--a long, predictable story about judging and buying Christmas trees when he was a kid. Then, Dick, a etired cardiologist who's really, really old, read something he called "The Magi." Two seconds in, he mentioned "Della," and I knew, of course, it was O. Henry's hoary old piece, The Gift of the Magi, published in 1905! We studied it in high school and I didn't even like it then, but we had to sit through a long, ponderous recitation--AAGH!
At least, there were refreshments half-way in, although three-quarters of them were cookies and cakes, which I didn't want to eat. Had some seafood appetizers, crackers, raspberries, and a few swallows of lukewarm iced tea--store bought and pretty disgusting.
I was asked to talk about my Christmas memories, which I did, and crazy Annette said she had a cold, was saving her voice, then presented me with a children's book of The Night Before Christmas and asked if I'd read it. Oh, good grief! I reluctantly said I would, but luckily, there wasn't time, and I didn't.
Anyway, I dunno. I resigned from the Poinsettia group because it seemed too serious, but this is so far the other way, it sometimes seems to be an extension of the funny farm. Well, guess I'll stay in for now, but it's anything but stimulating, I'm afraid.
Betty called during the meeting to thank me for the article; I'll call her today to wish her happy birthday.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Aloha And An Angel

Another fun and active day. Walked Kimball and after breakfast, wrote out some more Christmas cards. Dropped them in the mail slot here and drove to the store for lettuce and stuff. Called a particular place in Santa Barbara and arranged for a birthday gift for Betty. Made lunch, ate, then took off for the bus. At that point, Ellen called to see if I wanted to celebrate my birthday tomorrow, although she and Greg have to work, or Saturday and go early to help her trim the tree, then stay over. I opted for the latter and am looking forward to it.
It wasn't too warm, so I was glad I wore my coat. Got off at the mission and walked down Main, stopping in a few stores looking at this and that, but didn't buy anything. When I got to the library block, I veered toward the beach and The Promenade. Walked to the fairgrounds and by the time I got back to the Aloha, it was 4:00 and time for Happy Hour.
Carolyn and Nancy were already there and we sat on the patio, which is protected from the wind and was comfortable. I had an Aloha dark ale--pretty good--and yummy broiled potato skins, with cheese and bacon. Nancy gave each of us socks she had knitted, mine purple with a pattern and little green beads in them.
We had a good time and left when it started to get dark. I refused with thanks Carolyn's offer to drive me to Main and walked there. I was about to stop in the library when Betty called and we had a nice chat. I got a book (first volume of Bing Crosby's bio), then went across to the bus. At that point, neice Carolyn called to invite me to go to dinner with them tomorrow. I declined with thanks and now we're trying to figure out a way for me to see nephew Wes, who will be coming in from Chicago, but leaving on the day after Christmas. Tentatively, I'll go Christmas Eve morning just for a few hours; if El doesn't, I'll just take the bus in.
I met Tony L. on the bus. He used to be at SCAN and is now director of something or other at the Y. and we enjoyed talking.  I always liked him.
When I got  home, I found on my door a card and a lovely little angel in cloth. They were left by Suzanne and happily, I had her present ready, a coloring book (yes, she likes to do that, but I don't hld it against her) I had bought when I was in New Mexico. I quickly wrapped it, rang her bell, thanked her for the angel, and gave it to her. We sat and talked comfortably for a half hour or so, then I said good night--and goodbye, as she leaves for Arizona on Sunday morning.
Nice day, but now I'd better get serious about finishing my Christmas shopping.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

"Beautiful Boy"

A fun day. Walked Kimball, did the usual, then wrote out some Christmas cards--I have more to go--and walked to the P.O. to mail and buy more stamps. By the time I left there, I thought I might as well catch the bus instead of going home and back, so I did. Got off at Telephone and walked the half-mile or so to the library branch. I saw at least three books I want to take out, but decided to wait, as I didn't want to lug them around yesterday. Caught yet another bus to get me to the WinCo Shopping Center, after which I walked the few blocks to the Regency. I was very early, but so was Nancy, so that was all right.
We saw Beautiful Boy and wow, it was intense. I had read the father's book a few years ago when it came out, so had some idea of the circumstances. It was so well done, so real, so absolutely riveting, that we both sat enthralled.
After, we went to The Cave, where Nancy treated me to lunch with wine for my birthday. We both got burgers and--I guess because I rarely eat beef--they tasted divine. Had a great time talking, as ever, then Nance drove me home; got in about 4:00.  I'll see her again this afternoon at 4:00 at the Aloha Happy Hour.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Ocean Gets Mad

(I forgot to mention that I had gone to Five Points on Sunday and finally, at long last, got the car washed. Wouldn't you know, it then dripped rain yesterday and it's all spotted again--drat!)
Walked Kimball, had breakfast, then did a load of wash. Called Nancy and wheedled her into a movie (Beautiful Boy) today and The Cave after for a glass of  bubbly, even though she's in the midst of a knitting frenzy. Will meet her at noon.
After I retrieved the wash, I finally, at long last (another put-off item!) went to get a pedicure.  It wasn't as much an ordeal as usual and I made an appointment for a manicure on Thursday morning. I have Toastmasters that evening and the next day--well, maybe I'll be taken out somewhere.
Stopped for cauliflower, green peppers, and tomatoes after Jessica Nails. I chopped up the first two, put the c. in the slow cooker, and decided to stir-fried the peppers with onions for dinner. Put the cauliflower in the slow cooker and took off for town.
Got on the bus in the rain, but didn't bring an umbrella, as I was sure it would stop by the time I got to town. It did and it wasn't much of a rain, anyway. Stella called while I was riding and we had a long talk. Got off the bus on Main, walked to The Promenade and--
Oh, Mama! The ocean was in a wild phase, with huge rollers pounding the pier and the shore. I'm afraid my pictures don't do justice to it, but it was quite exciting to see. I even went on the pier--at the beginning, as the far part was closed off by the time I got there--and viewed the scene from there. Nature is a pip, all right.
I stayed for an hour or so, then walked to Main and the library. Didn't leave there until almost 5:00 and didn't get home until almost 6:00, but that was okay. Besides the veggies I had prepared earlier, I had some yummy fresh jumbo shrimp for dinner.


Monday, December 17, 2018

'The Perfect Firestorm"

Walked Kimball, then followed the Sunday routine. After, I wrapped the little gifts for the girls in Singapore, then walked to the P.O.--open on Sunday!--and mailed it. I ran into Donna C. while there and we had a nice chat. I said I'd see her today at the widder lunch and she reminded me we're not having it until January. Darn, I had forgotten that. Good thing I saw her, as I would have gone and found no one there.
Home, had lunch, then jumped in the shower. Dressed and picked Diane up at 2:15 and drove to the museum. The documentary, "The Perfect Firestorm," was just superb, we thought, and we greatly enjoyed it. It was beautifully done--worthy of national viewing, it seems to me--and I'm going to join the local organization that put it together: CAPS Media. It was introduced by the director, who explained that membership is open to anyone living in Ventura.
I took Diane home and got in close to 6:00 after an interesting day.Here's the trailer for "The Perfect Firestorm":

Sunday, December 16, 2018

In Town And Out

Walked Kimball, natch, then wrapped a little gift for Mr. K. in Tokyo. For the rest of his family, I gave a keyhole garden to people in Africa. Took the package to the P.O., which was, naturally, jammed--the line went almost out the door. However, everybody was in a jolly holiday spirit and we bantered with each other and the mail people, so it was fun. I have one more package to send, then I have to turn my attention to gifts for Ellen, Greg, and Betty. Drove up the 99 Cent Store on Main, the only place I can buy a particular kind of rice cakes--much tastier and much less caloric than Quaker's.
Home to do this and that on the laptop and phone.
Betty called. Every time I convince myself to be optimistic and reassured that things aren't so bad, I get corrected when I talk to her. I finally texted Betty's DIL, Robyn, to ask why she and Steve hadn't responded to Connie's e-mail about the Maritime Museum thing. Darn, wouldn't you know--both of them had changed their addresses and I didn't know that. Got the original sent and called Connie to apologize.
After lunch, I took the bus to town about 2:30. Walked to The Promenade and wow--I had to actually hold my hat on my head, it was so windy. Went back to Main to the library and read a bio of Agatha Christie until it was time to meet Suzanne at the park at 5:30.
She was there exactly on time and we enjoyed viewing the lighted fir trees, decorated by various companies and organizations in Ventura. After that, Suzanne drove me to a neighborhood near ours to see a particularly spectacular, light-filled house.
Home by 6:30 and had a fresh tuna steak for dinner.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

T.O.P.S.y Turvey Thinking

Walked Kimball, then high-tailed it home to make "tasties" for the T.O.P.S. spread. I had quite a bit of deli roast beef, peppered turkey, and chicken breast left from my little luncheon, and decided to make little roll-ups with pickles in the middle, secured with toothpicks. I did that hastily when I got home and they didn't turn out very pretty.
Actually, they were probably the least attractive item on the menu, but I didn't really care. Others brought deviled eggs, meatballs, and rather peculiar dried pineapple slices. Sharon, of course, went all out, having made Vienna sausages; a kind of sushi with crab meat; little muffins; dough filled with cream mixture; and three desserts: a Cool Whip concoction plus both chocolate and vanilla parfaits. She--and everybody else, of course--made enough for maybe fifty people if they were starving and there were  our usual twelve  members. And remember, folks, this is a weight loss group!  And we were having this feast at nine o'clock in the morning!
Am I suggesting I abstained? Hell, no, I ate my fill, called it breakfast, and wished I had a cup of coffee to go with it. Come to think of it, nobody brought anything to drink; maybe next time, I will--bloody Marys would be great, but I'm afraid Trinity Lutheran would frown on that.
The group is also planning to gather after our first January meeting to go to--well, I guess it will be brunch. I suggested Aloha, but that didn't go over, so we'll go to Carrow's* on Seaward Street. If I'm not mistaken, this is a chain--god forbid we go to a nice place--but oh, well, I'll grin and bear it.
As for my weight, I was up to 130. I'm not surprised considering the leeway I've allowed myself recently, but now I'm going to resume the straight and narrow.
The rest of the day was all buying, wrapping, packing, and sending off Christmas presents for the New Mexico and New Jersey contingents. That took up until dinnertime anyway, and I still have more to buy and send.
Suzanne stopped over to ask if we could meet this evening in town at 5:30 to see the Christmas tree display we had decided we'd go to. Sure, I'll take my walk first, then meet her and she can take me home. I hope I can persuade her to go to dinner first--we'll see.
*I looked up Carrow's menu and the entrees for breakfast are downright obscene when it come to unhealthiness. For instance,they feature platters of eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, hash browns, all in triplicate and this mega-breakfast totals 1440 calories. I also looked up what the average woman requires to lose a pound a week: depending on whether she's sedentary or moderately active, she does it on 1500 to 1800 calories. I consider myself moderately active, but only one other person in the group besides me is even that active.  What in the hell are my fellow T.O.P.S. members thinking?

Friday, December 14, 2018

Back To The Routine

Walked Kimball, drove to various stores for this and that, and pretty much settled back into my regular routine. Well, maybe not exactly, as my had phone conked out. I waited until 1:30 to go to Cricket, as I knew Amanda started work then. Had my usual lunch of a huge salad, then went to Office Max for printer ink; Cricket is on the next block.
I was there for an hour and a half, picking out a new phone, modifying the monthly charge, having my data transferred, and so on. However, I didn't mind, as I like Amanda so much. She was  incredibly outgoing about her life, including various serious difficulties in the past. She has a daughter and a "partner"--I assume she must be bi, as she was married to a man, but her partner is a woman. I have no objection to that, because there's no reason I should.
Anyway, I like talking to Amanda and got my phone all taken care of by 3:00. I drove home just to leave my car off, then high-tailed it to the bus stop. Got off at the library to leave a book and to pick up a bio of Nat King Cole. Walked to the museum to reserve seats for Diane and me when we're going to a documentary there on the Thomas Fire, which we lived through last December. It's easy to forget that some people didn't live through it--or its aftermath, the mud slide in Montecito.
Walked back to the library bus stop when it was full dark, but got home fine.

Thursday, December 13, 2018


Walked Kimball, then, of all things, my phone quit. Picked up some rolls at Von's, then stopped at the Cricket phone store, talked to Amanda, and found out it will probably have to be replaced. Didn't have time to do it then, so left, and went home to continue preparing for my guests.
Nancy and Carolyn came on time, at noon and I showed them around the place, then we sat down with wine and mixed nuts (Carolyn was driving, so had soda), talking and talking happily. I served lunch after about an hour and it made a big hit, modest though it was. We were sorry Diane couldn't have joined us. We talked about our next Happy Hour meetup and decided on Aloha--a parking garage is right next door for the outlanders, Nancy and Carolyn, and it's an easy walk for me from Main. Carolyn can either get the Axxess van or the bus.
The two didn't leave until about 5:00, after which I cleaned up. I thought I'd go into town even then, but I had had a fair amount of both wine and beer, so didn't. I did this and that on the laptop, then lay down on my bed and fell asleep until 10:30! I just got up to take my meds, went right back, and slept until after 6:00.
T.O.P.S. tomorrow and I'm pretty sure I've gained, even from last week. We'll see.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Prep For Lunch

Walked Kimball, then spent most of the day on chores, especially preparing for my luncheon guests. I did a load of wash, dusted and mopped the hard floors, and otherwise cleaned up the place. Went to Von's for cold cuts: turkey breast, roast beef, and pepper chicken. Also picked up some "pocket"  pita bread, but I'm not sure how that'll work. I tried one and it tore before it opened. I then read you're supposed to warm it first. Think I'll skip the pockets and get get some rolls.
Also bought lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, grapes, and feta for the salad. I had thought I'd make an apple crisp for dessert, but just didn't feel like it. Instead, I bought a box of chocolate pudding mix and the milk to go in it--the cooked  kind, of course, I'd never give a guest--or my worse enemy, for that matter--the horrible no-cook kind. Bought a carton of heavy cream, which I'll whip to put on the  the pudding.
Went to Wal-mart for shampoo and face scrub and ran into Diane--the park Diane, that is. She said Irene's down with a cold, which is why I didn't see her at Kimball. I didn't get my afternoon walk--just didn't have time--but will today after Carolyn and Nancy leave.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety-Jig...

We had a good time at Betty's!
Got to Santa Barbara at 11:00 and niece Carolyn picked me up at the Courthouse. We went directly to Betty's, then she and I walked down the street to the Natural Cafe for lunch. After, w played Scrabble, a game I greatly dislike,* which Betty won by a huge margin.
I persuaded my twin sissy to walk to State Street, then to the next block to the mall. She did, with some complaints at the distance (it couldn't have been more than a mile in total, if that). Browsed in a few of the stores and sat down twice for her to rest, but we made it.
Carolyn came back with her daughter, Claire, and we visited for a while. After that, Betty served a casual dinner of salad and sandwiches, which tasted great to me, as I rarely eat sandwiches. We then watched the Eagles/Cowboy football game, an exciting squeaker to fans--including Betty--and a snooze fest for me, but I like the bright colors.
Betty has a new couch which opens into a bed, but it's very hard and she insisted I take her bed, which I did. Slept like a log; in fact, I didn't get  up until 6:30. Betty made good coffee and we drank it while we talked. I told her I wanted to walk--I knew she wasn't anxious to and she said she stay in to tidy up. She did and I walked down State Street, the main drag, until it forked into State and de la Vina. Walked back, looked it up, and was pleased to find I had gone a bit more than two and a half miles.We then walked to State and had breakfast at a Chik-fil-lay. I greatly dislike anything at a fast food place, especially what they call breakfast, but the sausage, egg, cheese on a muffin was okay.  The coffee was truly horrible, however.
Back to Betty's and we went to the common room, a very pleasant, well-appointed place, and sat with three women for about 45 minutes. We talked about a variety of topics, of course, and they seemed like nice people. Carolyn then picked us up and took us to her house to see her Christmas tree and decorations.
After, she took us to town for a bit, then picked up her two children, who had to go to the orthodontist. We said an somewhat tearful goodbye (the older I get, the more emotional I've gotten) when we dropped Betty at her place. Once the two kids were finished, Carolyn dropped me at the Coastal Express bus stop, which came exactly on time. After the short ride on the city bus, I got home by 6:00 pm.
*Since I'm surely a word person, this seems odd even to me. I have an idea about why I avoid the game, but there's no point in mentioning it here.

Sunday, December 09, 2018

Here And There By Car And Bus

Walked Kimball, had breakfast, then addressed several Christmas cards and wrapped the little ornament for Baby Samantha. Took them to the P.O. and mailed. Went to the Bargain Box for a succulent for Betty, but it was only 10:00 and I saw it didn't open until noon.
I knew I wouldn't get an afternoon walk in because of my 3:00 hair appointment, so I drove to town, parked at the museum as I used to do in the pre-bus days, and walked to The Promenade. After, I stopped into a store I've passed so many times--"B On Main"--and discovered they have the cutest things. Picked up gifts for Mike and the girls--must add something for Paula.
Home for lunch, after which I called niece Carolyn and we had a nice chat; she'll pick me up this morning in Santa Barbara. Took the bus to the mall and walked to Penney's. Picked up some extra little things for V. and V., then went to the salon for my color and cut.
Mary took me slightly early, but even so, I hate getting my hair done. It seems to me a horrible ordeal and this was no better than usual, but at least my hair looks good. I love the cut she gave me, although how long it will last is anybody's guess.
It was dark by the time I got out and boarded the bus, but no prob, I'm used to that. Betty called while I was riding to tell me she thinks Muckie is having a gall bladder attack. Hmm...well, I assume she has a doctor, so why call me?  Dunno.
Note: I'm not taking my laptop with me to SB, so won't blog here until Monday.

Friday, December 07, 2018

Lunch at Diane's

Back in my routine, I walked Kimball in somewhat chilly weather which became beautifully sunny later. Went to T.O.P.S. to get weighed in, but begged off staying for the meeting. For one thing, I wanted to get ready for my lunch at Diane's and for another, I knew the program was going to consist of chair exercises, which bores the hell out of me. I was up a bit from last week, to 128.3, but I'm perfectly okay with that.
Had breakfast, showered, and dressed, then went out to wait for the van. It came within the time frame I had been told, and I got to Diane's a few minutes before noon. She greeted me at the door, then we took the elevator to her second floor flat.
There's no question this is a very small apartment. I'm not sure of the actual dimensions, but it's noticeable smaller even than Betty's in Santa Barbara, which is  pretty small itself. However, it has a nice balcony with a lovely view of the green lawn, trees, and hills in the distance. This is a low-income, senior citizen residence, run by the Salvation Army, and is one of the nicest I've seen. For Diane, it's an enormous improvement on her last digs, a studio at the Ventura Inn. 
At this point, she has little furniture aside from a futon sofa, a small table, and folding chairs, but all that is inconsequential when your eyes move to the living room wall. She has two, very large (maybe  3 by 5 feet) gold-framed pictures, one of the Archangel Michael, the other another angel. They look to be from the 16th century or so and they are just spectacular; Diane said she bought them for $500 each in Mexico, where she lived for 15 years. Gorgeous.
We had a nice lunch of Asian salad, something like blintzes with cheese in them, and  what you might call eggplant fritters, baked, with a white spread on them. It was all very good, especially as we shared a  bottle of Chardonnay.
After lunch, we went to a gathering room down the hall to see Crazy Rich Asians.  I had seen it before, but liked it and enjoyed it again. It was over about 4:30, we went back to her place, then I gathered my things and went outside to wait for the van. It came in a few minutes and off I went after a very enjoyable day.

Rainy Again

It was a somewhat disjointed day, but not bad. The rain was still coming down--or coming down again--when I got up and I didn't walk. I just didn't feel like putting on boots and sloshing around a deserted park for a mile and a half, so shoot me.
 Instead, I got a fair amount of seasonal chores done, such as retrieving my large Christmas angel from the closet, looking over gifts and wrapping, and addressing the descendants' cards, as well as selecting some clothes I'll bring to Betty's to see if she can use them.
Went to the post office to mail off Greg's birthday card and something for my DIL, but came back shortly. I got so engrossed in the Christmas stuff, I didn't stop until lunch. After that, I walked over to Von's for dishwasher detergent. By the time I finished my preliminary stuff, it was 3:00 o'clock and I jettisoned the afternoon town walk, too.
Instead, I took a dry (bus) run to Diane's neighborhood. While I waited for what seemed hours for the second bus, I called the Access van and arranged to be picked up by them today for lunch at Diane's.  However, I still boarded and rode close to her place. Stopped at a shop and bought some cute little napkin holders--gingerbread men and they're so cunning!--gawd, I must be nuts.

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Happy Hour

I was determined to resume walking Kimball, and I did. Saw the regulars, who welcomed me back. After breakfast, I put a few pounds of chicken thighs in the oven, with oil and seasonings; I'll freeze these, and have them for later.
After, I dug out all my bought gifts and the ones I've ordered, recorded them, and determined what more I need to get. Drove to various stores for Christmas cards (special ones for the grand- and great-grandchildren), plus a few other things. By that time, it was after my usual 1:00 lunchtime; in fact, I didn't eat until 2:00.
As had been predicted, it had started to rain by then and was actually a little chilly. I dug out my boots, umbrella, and gloves, donned my raincoat, and set off for the bus. Got to Lure before 4:00 to find Diane already there on the enclosed patio. I was sorry to hear she can't come to lunch next Wednesday with the other two, but she has a prior commitment. However, she invited me to her new place for lunch tomorrow and I accepted with pleasure. After chatting for a bit, we looked around and discovered that Carolyn and Nancy were already inside in a booth, so we went in to join them.
We had our usual congenial good time. At one point, I pulled out the gift Ellen had given me, made a gesture of using it, and we had a ball laughing over it. I promised Diane I would take her to Ojai Greens, and we'll do that maybe next week.
We left about 5:30, and I boarded the bus, as usual. The rain had almost stopped--it was just a piddling little  California spritzing, anyway--and I got home with no problem. Betty called to say she had forgotten when I was going there (Sunday, and will stay overnight) and El called just to chat.
I want to stop at The Bargain Box today to see if I can pick up a succulent as a new-home gift for Diane.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Out And Around

Boy, did I feel lousy when I got up. All those cookies with all that sugar I ate at the widder dinner, made me feel sickish. I even skipped Kimball again--I don't want to do that too often--and ate breakfast late because I wasn't even hungry.
Happily, I bounced back before too long. Got gas for the first time since I bought the car, found a shade for the new lamp at Wal-Mart (it was not only less expensive, it actually goes better with the style of the lamp) and went to Vons and WinCo for fruit and stuff. I drove to all those places, but after lunch, took the bus to town.
I seem to be following a pattern: Drive in the morning, take the bus in the afternoon, and that works out well for me. I got off at the library and walked to The Promanade--the beautiful Pacific now tranquil as its name--then to Main. Stopped into Arc and bought four DVDs: Perry Como, Nat King Cole, his daughter, Natalie, and a medley of the oldies which features Fred Astaire and others. I happened to see a very pretty top--white, with a kind of lacy trim--and picked it up for a song.
Made a appointment for a color and cut and ordered a few Christmas presents on line. This year, I want to really get a jump on Christmas--which I say every year, but never do. However, I'm a lot further along than I ever was before.

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Soaring Spirits And Christmas Cookies

Walked Kimball, but still with the sore throat and cough. Oddly, though, I felt better and better as the day wore on, although all I took was aspirin. Maybe that was because I just decided to ignore the damn thing and go about my business.
Changed the bed and did a large load of wash, and decided I'd attend the widder group dinner. However, I didn't have an ornament to exchange. Also, I needed to get a shade for the lamp I had bought at The Coalition. Drove to Target at the mall and saw some, but for ten bucks? The lamp only cost $4,99, so before I pay that, I'll look elsewhere. Left the car at the mall and boarded a bus to town. Bought a pretty angel ornament, but found no shade. I'll look at a few more places, but if I don't find one, I'll get the Target one. Showered and dressed for the dinner and took two buses to the Stone Fie Grille.
There were fifteen of us there, which included two men (I think that's a pretty fair representation of widows and widowers overall) and we had a great time. I got my favorite roasted cauliflower and Chief  Peak beer and even added a bottle of prosecco* after. Susan brought dozens of homemade cookies, little men and stars and Christmas trees--with icing!--and I went hog wild; I must have had six of them. My tummy still feels a little uncomfortable, but hey, it was worth it. Now I feel we're in the holiday season.
Vera took me home and as I walked to my place, I met up with Patrick and we chatted. I told him I wanted to invite him, Gordon, and Suzanne over for dinner, got his number, and will call him soon.
*That's a type of champagne which Nancy likes and the idiots at SpellCheck, isolated as they are in their little cubicles, aren't civilized enough to know how to spell. (Oh, okay, neither did I until I looked it up.)

Monday, December 03, 2018


I felt so lousy when I woke up with a sore throat, I didn't walk Kimball. After I got up, moved around a bit, had coffee, and took two aspirins, I felt a lot better. I decided to do what I had planned: Retrieve my Christmas decorations from storage (two small closets over the large ones) and that's what I did. I was pleased that I had donated some of the stuff I had last year, but there are still things I intend to get rid of. Put my little Xmas doo-dads here and there, including my wreath and snowman at the door, and it looks pretty nice. However, I want to get some Christmas pillows for the sofa.
Feeling better still, I went out to replenish my staples. Got blueberries, grapes, spinach, cherries, and other goodies.
After lunch, I got the bus into town. Walked the The Promanade, then to Main, as usual. Stopped at The Coalition and got a lamp for my desk and a few other items. Home to prepare my salmon, plus several veggies for dinner.
I called Nancy to tell her I may not be at Soaring Spirits dinner tonight--depends on how I feel. I hate to miss it, as it's our Christmas ornament exchange one. However, if I drive, I can't have anything to drink and I'd just as soon not take the bus in the dark. Can't decide if I should ask Carolyn to drop me off after, or what.
Just got up and it's after six. Still have the sore throat, darn it, and the overall cold seems worse.

Sunday, December 02, 2018

A Lunch And A Present

What an enjoyable day! Did my usual Kimball walk and regular morning activities, then tidied up a bit until Ellen got here about noon. I was surprised when she handed me a small package, wrapped in green paper and tied with white ribbon. I opened it and was mystified by the rectangular, black and white box, with "Select/Elite Weekender" on the front. It was also labelled "Pineapple Jack"--was this perfume or what?
When Ellen revealed what it contained, I was absolutely floored. We talked and laughed about it and I told her I'm going to try it either later in the evening or maybe wait until today.* I wonder if anyone knows what she gave me.
We then took off for lunch, which was, as ever, a lot of fun, simply because I was with her. I had a shrimp taco and a Blue Moon and we talked up a storm, as usual (I'm always interested in her adventures in the classroom). We then went to Michael's, where El got materials for her third-graders to make Christmas ornaments. After that, we took off for the Dudley House Holiday Boutique (I hadn't been able to see much when I was the greeter on Friday). We enjoyed it and El bought a  candle. She drove me home and we said goodbye.
Betty had called while we were having lunch and I called her back when I got home. I'll plan to visit her, maybe next week, and probably stay over.  I had a light dinner of leftover spinach, carrots, and cauliflower, then--oddly--laid down on my bed and fell asleep until almost 8:00. That's unusual for me, but I assume I conked out because I've developed a bad cold. Didn't use my present from El yet, but will today--unless I find info there's some contraindication for a cold.

Saturday, December 01, 2018

T.O.P.S. And Dudley

Walked Kimball in rather chilly weather, but it was sunny, at least.  Got home, changed, and left for T.O.P.S.
I was sure I had gained--it just felt that way and after all, I hadn't weighed in for two weeks, being in Jersey--and was reconciled to it. To my surprise, I lost, although I hadn't been weighed for two weeks. To my even greater surprise, I lost 2.4 pounds, weighing in at 127.4 and was the biggest winner for the week. The meeting was okay; we made plans for our covered dish on December 14 and discussed going out to lunch in the new year. Sharon brought pumpkin hummus for everybody o try.  (Could that provide a clue as to why so few members actually lose weight and keep it off?) As for the covered dish, thanks to Sharon's suggestion, we'll all bring appetizers, not entrees. I was heartily in favor of this--who wants to eat lunch at 10 am?
Speaking of 10 am, that's when I had breakfast, as I always do on Fridays. After, I drove to Sprouts, then WinCo, mostly for produce. Did this and that around the apartment, then got ready to go to Dudley House.
I had agreed to be a greeter at the Holiday Boutique from 4 to 6 and I knew it would be cool on the porch, so wore  my red sweater coat. Got there on time and did my stint. We had several people come in, plus I chatted with Ken, Shari's husband and also a docent, and others. I couldn't resist buying something myself: four cute  little place card holders. I'm planning to have my Happy Hour Harpies over for lunch and Suzanne and the two guys I know over for dinner. Today or tomorrow, I want to get out my Christmas decorations and put them up.
Lunch with El today--yay!


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...