Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Peddler's Village And Drones

We left on schedule for Lakewood at 7, Susan driving.  Arrived to join a full busload and it took more than two hours to get to Lahaska, Pa.  We went first to Rice's, a huge outdoor flea market, held only on Tuesdays in the fall and winter.  The goods are almost all new, though, and what terrific bargains there are.  I bought three cashmere scarfs ($5 each) and two tee shirts.  Susan, Barb, and Leslie bought stuff, too. 
After about two hours there, we re-boarded the bus for the short drive to Peddler's Village.  I hadn't been there for about ten years, but it looks about the same.  High end shops--"shoppes"--and lots of walking.
We ate in a small restaurant; food was good, but was served on foam and plastic, not my idea of a proper meal.  After, we toured the stores and bought a few items.  I bought a beautiful mosaic lamp I want to put in the hallway.
Back on the bus at five, we didn't arrive in Lakewood until after 7:00, then had the hour or more drive home after that, so it was a full day.
I have a lot going on today, too: Want to retype my part in the murder mystery, have exercise at Stafford Library at 3:00, dinner with Aline after, then rehearsal on LBI.
WIDER:  So what else is new?  Oh, just continued slaughter:


Jim Wetzel said...

Yes, there's no need to be distracted from the World Series by some furriners what don't even talk no English getting dusted.

If your blood pressure can handle it, you might have a look at Will Grigg's latest.

Mimi said...

I did, Jim, and as ever, I'm reeling in confused horror. What in the WORLD have we become when these practices are KNOWN, but almost never mentioned in the mass media? The few times they are, it's with a sense of "gee, this--torture--is not so good, but sadly, we're forced to it in order to protect ourselves and our great nation from..." fill in the blank.

Julie picked me up at 9:15 and we went to the BCNN meeting. The program. by the owner of Otto & Sons Nursery in Fillmore, was on growing...