Thursday, May 03, 2012

Rider Reception

My hair turned out terrific, although it's longer than I had wanted it.  Ashley did a good job, especially on the color.  Got up to Lawrenceville very early and spent time in the Student Center entry room (it was rainy, so wasn't held in the president's backyard) before Marilyn got there.  Was greeted with hugs by half the people who walked in, including many I had interviewed and hired.  Linda K., whom I actually remember interviewing, got a twenty-year gift.  Hired her for our (HR) office and she's a gem. 
I thought it was odd I didn't know most of the ten-year longtimers until I reflected that next month, I'll have been retired for TEN YEARS.  That just blows my mind.
Saw my pal, David P., who was recognized for an incredible 35 years at Rider /Westminster (he's an organ graduate from W., too) and he and Marilyn (ditto, but years later) caught up with each other.  We used to meet for lunch every now and then and he asked me to call him, which I will.  Always had a very soft spot for Dave, who's one of those people you know, right away, are kindred spirits.
Fred H. and I talked--he's such a neat guy and is trying to get up the nerve to audition for a role.  Asked me to e-mail him with encouragement and I will.  Of course, there were so many others.  Much as I loved being there and much as I'm glad I spent 27 years at Rider, it gave me, as it always does, a feeling of freedom to simply walk out the door.  I had no need to return the next day, no pressing work obligations to fulfill, no decisions to make that would affect other people's lives.  On the whole, it was a great place to work, but I've been there, done that, and now I have a new life.
I plan to go to rehearsal tonight to take some pictures to accompany an article for The Breeze.  Called Aline to see if she wanted me to take her;  she does, and I will, but told her I wanted to stay no more than an hour.    


iloveac said...

Rosemary, what is an organ graduate?

Mimi said...

It's somebody who studied kidney--ha!
Actually, David and Marilyn earned bachelor degrees (and in Dave's case, a masters) in music wth a concentration in organ.
Heavens, Pat, what are you doing up so early?

iloveac said...

My patient calls for my nursing skills...otherwise I'd still be zzzzing.
I kinda thought it was a music degree.

Thursday And Stella

Did a lot of "business work" all morning and early afternoon. As l was about to stop for lunch, Stella called to say she is being ...