Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The usual yesterday; chores and errands. Had a lively discussion wih Susan about corporations being able to access what books for Kindle people order, then bombard them with sales ads for certain products. She doesn't seem to understand the greater danger of government being able to ferret out what conventional books I buy or take out of the library. Nor, it seems, does she wish to entertain the notion that this country isn't the crowning glory of history.
Don't know why she finds it so tempting to considr govenment benign, rather than the monster we've allowed to create itself. Of course, there's no such thing as "government." That's just a convenient label we use to designate certain groups of people who rule us, as lackeys for the corporations.
Scene five rehearsal last night. I'm not in that one, but went anyway. Practiced with the wheel chair, but as it was needed for the scene, spent most of the time watching the scene. At this point, it's a shambles.

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 Nothing much going on in the morning. Later, I walked to the P.O. to send some of the overseas Thanksgiving cards and check the weight of a...