Sunday, June 19, 2011

Got to the airport early, after Frank D. dropped me off at Toms River Bus Terminal to get the van to Newark. Returned Elva B.'s call while I was there, then called Betty. Got on the plane after only a half (1 mg.) an Ativan--no problem? I wish! I was actually pretty scared, but at least it was only a bit more than two hours long.
Now here I am at Larry and Helen's in sunny Miami. We had a nice, casual dinner of salad, chicken, and sides last night, then I slept like a log. Today, daughter Nancy came over to whip up a Father's Day breakfast. Then in came Alycia, husband Brian, son Nicholas, 12 or so, two little girls, Bella, 3 and Zoe, 7 months. After that, Karen came in with husband Rudy and son, Rudy. Then Elaine, husband Alex and sons Alex, Anthony, and Andres. The rest of them called.
Had a terrific breakfast, then we all went in the pool. Most left, then Karen guided us into getting our boarding passes for the cruise ship.
Great fun to be here!

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