Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Tuesday With Babbitt

Spent time in the morning on the trust info and other crapola in what used to be paperwork and is now computer work. Julie called to ask if I wanted to go to a supermarket. I thanked her, but no, I really didn't need anything. She then called again to say she was going to the farmers' market at the mall this morning and did I want to go? Sure thing, and she'll pick me up at 9:00 this morning. She then called a third time to see if I wanted her to take me to my dentist appointment yesterday. No, thank you, I said. Now, I'm a little puzzled...

Does Julie think I'm a feeble old lady who doesn't get out much?  Doesn't she realize I go to a variety of supermarkets several times a week? Isn't she aware that all the city buses go the mall on both out and back trips, because that's where the transit center is?  Presumably, she doesn't know that I walk and bus virtually every day. If I can do it without making her uncomfortable, I'll ask her about those things.

Got to Dr. Babbitt's at my appointed time of 1:30 and was ushered into the torture room right away. Actually, this wasn't too bad. He did have to add Novocain twice, as the cavity in one of the teeth was low--actually, below the gum line. However, it went well and I was out of there by 3:00. I was able to chat with him a bit and actually asked him if he was ever teased about his name. Occasionally, he said, and then he told me about an unrelated family of Babbitts who had practically founded the city of Flagstaff, Arizona.  I mentioned Sinclair Lewis'es book, which he knew of, but said he hadn't read. (Don't bother, I told him, it's very dated and pretty boring.) I thought it was hysterical when he asked if I remembered Lorena Bobbitt, who cut off her husband's--. Oh, gawd, this guy has a sense of humor--I howled!  

We said goodbye, then I went out to the office and made an appointment for a cleaning on the twentieth. I also told Stephanie I wanted to pay the bill. "You already did," she said, and gave me a copy of my account. What? This didn't show up on my credit card, so what gives? When I got home, I checked and no, it isn't on there. More about this mystery when I get to the bottom of it later...And I did. The credit card didn't kick in until after the payments--long story I won't go into, but all is okay.

Went to Von's after dinner--a sparse one, as I was still partly numb--then walked a bit. Niece Carolyn called in the evening and we talked for almost an hour about Frank and his daughter's pending visit. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...